- One hundred single-copy nuclear sequence markers for olive variety identification: a case of fingerprinting database construction in China被引量:1收藏
- 作者:Huang, Lan[1,2,3] Zeng, Yanfei[1,2] Li, Jinhua[1,2] Deng, Yu[4] Su, Guangcan[5]
- 机构:Chinese Acad Forestry;Chinese Acad Forestry;Nanjing Forestry Univ;Longnan Acad Econ Forestry;Liangshan Zhongze New Tech Dev Co Ltd
- 关键词:Olive Single-copy orthologous nuclear sequence loci High-throughput sequencing Fingerprinting database Variety identification
- De novo transcriptome analysis reveals tissue-specific differences in gene expression in Salix arbutifolia被引量:0收藏
- 作者:Rao, Guodong[1,2,3] Zeng, Yanfei[1,3] Sui, Jinkai[2] Zhang, Jianguo[1,2,3]
- 机构: State Key Laboratory of Tree Genetics and Breeding; Collaborative Innovation Center of Sustainable Forestry in Southern China; Key Laboratory of Tree Breeding and Cultivation
- 来源:Trees - Structure and Function 2016
- 关键词:Plants (botany) - Polymerase chain reaction - Amino acids - Histology - RNA - Gene expression - Forestry