- Dominant Tree Species Shape Soil Microbial Community via Regulating Assembly Processes in Planted Subtropical Forests被引量:8收藏
- 作者:Ma, Haibin[1] Zou, Wentao[1] Yang, Jinchang[1] Hogan, J. Aaron[2] Xu, Han[1]
- 机构:Chinese Acad Forestry;Florida Int Univ
- 来源:FORESTS 2019
- 关键词:soil microbial communities ecological assembly processes land use change Rubber plantation Eucalypt plantation
- Impacts of nitrogen on physiological interactions of the hemiparasitic Santalum album and its N2-fixing host Dalbergia odorifera被引量:0收藏
- 作者:Meng, S.[1] Ma, H.B.[1] Li, Z.S.[1] Yang, F.C.[1] Wang, S.K.[1]
- 机构: State Key Laboratory of Tree Genetics and Breeding
- 来源:Trees - Structure and Function 2021
- 关键词:Ecology - Carbon - Physiology - Budget control - Biomass - Wood products