- Microbial communities in tree root-compartment niches under Cd and Zn pollution: Structure, assembly process and co-occurrence relationship被引量:6收藏
- 作者:Xing, Wenli[1] Gai, Xu[1] Ju, Feng[2] Chen, Guangcai[1,3]
- 机构:Chinese Acad Forestry;Westlake Univ;73 Daqiao Rd
- 关键词:Woody plants Heavy metals Rhizosphere Endophyte Microbiota
- Facilitated remediation of heavy metals contaminated land using Quercus spp. with different strategies: Variations in amendments and experiment periods被引量:4收藏
- 作者:Li, Xiaogang[1] Xiao, Jiang[1] Gai, Xu[1] Du, Zhongyu[1] Salam, Mir Md Abdus[2]
- 机构:Chinese Acad Forestry;Univ Eastern Finland;73 Daqiao Rd
- 关键词:Dendroremediation Soil amendments Cd Zn Long -term
- Divergent responses of rhizosphere soil phosphorus fractions and biological features of Salix psammophila to fertilization strategies under cadmium contamination被引量:0收藏
- 作者:Gai, Xu[1] Xing, Wenli[1] Chen, Guangcai[1]
- 机构: Research Institute of Subtropical Forestry
- 来源:Science of the Total Environment 2024
- 关键词:Alkalinity - Bacteria - Biogeochemistry - Bioremediation - Cadmium - Fertilizers - Phosphatases - Soil pollution - Soil pollution control - Soils
- Microbial Communities in Tree Root-Compartment Niches Under Cd and Zn Pollution: Structure, Assembly Process and Co-Occurrence Relationship被引量:0收藏
- 作者:Xing, Wenli[1] Gai, Xu[1] Ju, Feng[2] Chen, Guangcai[1]
- 机构: Research Institute of Subtropical Forestry; Key Laboratory of Coastal Environment and Resources of Zhejiang Province
- 来源:SSRN 2022
- 关键词:Bioremediation - Cadmium - Forestry - Microorganisms - Process control - Soil pollution - Soil pollution control - Zinc
- Modulating phyllosphere microbiome structure and function in Loropetalum chinense and Osmanthus fragrans: The impact of foliar dust and heavy metals被引量:0收藏
- 作者:Dang, Ning[1] Xing, Wenli[1] Gai, Xu[1] Chen, Guangcai[1]
- 机构: Research Institute of Subtropical Forestry
- 来源:Science of the Total Environment 2024
- 关键词:Air quality - Disease control - Dust - Industrial plants - Metabolism - Particle size - Particle size analysis - Plants (botany) - Urea
- 雷竹林下养鸡对土壤活性有机碳及碳库管理指数的影响被引量:0收藏
- 作者:盖旭[1,2] 张健[3] 吕衡[3] 黄志远[1] 李巧玲[1]
- 机构:国家林业和草原局竹子研究开发中心、竹林生态与资源利用国家林业和草原局重点实验室;中国林业科学研究院亚热带林业研究所;安吉县林业局
- 来源:《林业科学》 2023
- 关键词:活性有机碳 碳库管理指数 土壤质量 林下养殖 雷竹
- 摘要:【目的】探究雷竹林下养鸡对表层土壤活性有机碳及碳库管理指数的影响,明确不同养殖密度下竹林养鸡对土壤质量和竹林生态系统碳素稳定的扰动程度,为制定可持续性、生态友好性的林下养殖策略提供科学依据。【方法】以距鸡舍的距离表征养殖...
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- Evaluating the role of rhizosphere microbial home-field advantage in Betula luminifera adaptation to antimony mining areas被引量:0收藏
- 作者:Xing, Wenli[1,2] Gai, Xu[1] Xue, Liang[1] Chen, Guangcai[1]
- 机构: Research Institute of Subtropical Forestry; Nanjing Forestry University
- 来源:Science of the Total Environment 2024
- 关键词:Antimony - Mining - Soils