- Plateau pika burrowing and yak grazing jointly determine ecosystem greenhouse gas emissions of alpine meadow被引量:4收藏
- 作者:Wang, Yingxin[1,2] Sun, Jian[3] Hou, Shuaijun[1] Tan, Yuhui[1] Wang, Zhaofeng[1]
- 机构:Lanzhou Univ;Chinese Acad Forestry;Chinese Acad Sci
- 关键词:driving mechanism GHG emissions plateau pika soil properties yak grazing
- 27个柳树无性系对镉的吸收分配特性被引量:1收藏
- 作者:张晓丽[1] 翟飞飞[1] 李伟[1] 刘俊祥[1] 钱永强[1]
- 机构:中国林业科学研究院林业研究所国家林业局林木培育重点实验室
- 来源:《林业科学》 2017
- 关键词:柳树 Cd 地上部 地下部 根 枝条 叶片 树皮 富集
- 摘要:【目的】研究27个柳树无性系的根、插穗树皮、枝条和叶片对Cd^(2+)的吸收分配特性,获得地上部和地下部富集Cd浓度最大的无性系,为Cd污染地的植物修复提供理论参考,为进一步研究柳属植物对Cd^(2+)的解毒机制提供依据...
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- Male and female plants of salix viminalis perform similarly to flooding in morphology, anatomy, and physiology被引量:0收藏
- 作者:Zhai, Fei-Fei[1] Li, Hai-Dong[1] Zhang, Shao-Wei[2] Li, Zhen-Jian[3] Liu, Jun-Xiang[3]
- 机构: School of Architectural and Artistic Design; College of Horticulture and Landscape; Research Institute of Forestry
- 来源:Forests 2020
- 关键词:Morphology - Physiology - Gas plants - Osmosis - Plants (botany) - Cytology - Free radicals - Antioxidants - Floods - Physiological models
- Assessing genetic diversity and population structure of salix viminalis across Ergun and west Liao basin被引量:0收藏
- 作者:Zhai, Fei-Fei[1,2] Liu, Jun-Xiang[1] Li, Zhen-Jian[1] Mao, Jin-Mei[1,3] Qian, Yong-Qiang[1]
- 机构: State Key Laboratory of Tree Genetics and Breeding; School of Architectural and Artistic Design; Research Institute of Economic Forest
- 来源:Silva Fennica 2017
- 关键词:Crops - Genes - DNA sequences - Soil pollution - Sewage sludge - Biodiversity