- 高原喀斯特土壤有机碳短期稳定的温度作用机制被引量:1收藏
- 作者:唐国勇[1] 张春华[1] 刘方炎[1] 马艳[1]
- 机构:中国林业科学研究院资源昆虫研究所
- 来源:《环境科学》 2018
- 关键词:非对称升温 对称升温 土壤密度组分 酸水解 有机碳顽固性 有机碳稳定性 高原喀斯特
- 摘要:探明有机碳稳定的温度作用机制,是评估全球变化背景下土壤碳源/汇演变趋势的关键.应用土壤密度分组和酸水解技术,采用红外线辐射增温法,对比研究不同升温情景下高原喀斯特土壤及其物理和生化组分中有机碳密度的短期(4a)变化特征....
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- Response of Fine Root ProductionMortality and Turnover to Simulated Nitrogen Deposition in the AbiesgeorgEI (Orr) Forest in the Jiaozi Snow Mountains National Nature Reserve, Southwest China被引量:0收藏
- 作者:Yuan, Jiyou[1] Peng, Mingchun[1] Tang, Guoyong[2] Wang, Yun[3]
- 机构: School of Ecology and Environmental Sciences; Institute of Highland Forest Science; Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Water and Soil Conservation and Environmental Protection
- 来源:SSRN 2023
- 关键词:Carbon - Design of experiments - Dynamics - Forestry - Nitrates - Phosphorus - Plants (botany) - Sodium nitrate - Tropics
- Effects of simulated nitrogen deposition on soil respiration: Evidence from a three-year field study of the Abies georgEI (Orr) forest in the Jiaozi Snow Mountains National Nature Reserve, Southwest China被引量:0收藏
- 作者:Yuan, Jiyou[1] Peng, Mingchun[1] Tang, Guoyong[2] Wang, Yun[3]
- 机构: School of Ecology and Environmental Sciences & Yunnan Key Laboratory for Plateau Mountain Ecology and Restoration of Degraded Environments; Institute of Highland Forest Science; Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Water and Soil Conservation and Environmental Protection
- 来源:Forest Ecology and Management 2023
- 关键词:Carbon - Climate change - Forestry - Nitrates - Nitrogen - Sodium nitrate - Soils - Tropics
- Fine root production, mortality, and turnover in response to simulated nitrogen deposition in the subtropical Abies georgEI (Orr) forest被引量:0收藏
- 作者:Yuan, Jiyou[1] Peng, Mingchun[1] Tang, Guoyong[2] Wang, Yun[3]
- 机构: School of Ecology and Environmental Sciences & Yunnan Key Laboratory for Plateau Mountain Ecology and Restoration of Degraded Environments; Institute of Highland Forest Science; Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Water and Soil Conservation and Environmental Protection
- 来源:Science of the Total Environment 2024
- 关键词:Carbon - Design of experiments - Dynamics - Ecology - Forestry - Nitrates - Nutrients - Phosphorus - Plants (botany) - Sodium nitrate - Tropics