- Current Development Status of Forest Therapy in China被引量:17收藏
- 作者:Zhang, Zhiyong[1] Wang, Peng[1] Gao, Yue[1] Ye, Bing[1]
- 机构:Chinese Acad Forestry
- 来源:HEALTHCARE 2020
- 关键词:forest therapy definition public health forest wellness challenges policy suggestions
- Forest Therapy in Germany, Japan, and China: Proposal, Development Status, and Future Prospects被引量:13收藏
- 作者:Zhang, Zhiyong[1] Ye, Bing[1]
- 机构:Chinese Acad Forestry
- 来源:FORESTS 2022
- 关键词:forest therapy public health health services medical evidence forest therapy service systems
- Grazing Altered the Pattern of Woody Plants and Shrub Encroachment in a Temperate Savanna Ecosystem被引量:12收藏
- 作者:Zhang, Zhiyong[1,2] Zhang, Bo[3] Zhang, Xiao[1] Yang, Xiaohui[1] Shi, Zhongjie[1]
- 机构:Chinese Acad Forestry;Chinese Acad Forestry;Beijing Stn Forestry Sci & Technol Extens
- 关键词:Ulmus pumila-dominated temperate savanna population structures spatial patterns spatial association grazing pressure shrub encroachment
- The Temporal Variation of the Microclimate and Human Thermal Comfort in Urban Wetland Parks: A Case Study of Xixi National Wetland Park, China被引量:8收藏
- 作者:Zhang, Zhiyong[1] Dong, Jianhua[2] He, Qijiang[2] Ye, Bing[1]
- 机构:Chinese Acad Forestry;Hangzhou Acad Forestry
- 来源:FORESTS 2021
- 关键词:microclimate human thermal comfort outdoor thermal environment public health ecological services
- Oasis Irrigation-Induced Hydro-Climatic Effects: A Case Study in the Hyper-Arid Region of Northwest China被引量:3收藏
- 作者:Shan, Nan[1] Shi, Zhongjie[2] Yang, Xiaohui[2] Guo, Hao[2] Zhang, Xiao[2]
- 机构:Nanjing Univ;Chinese Acad Forestry;Chinese Acad Forestry
- 来源:ATMOSPHERE 2018
- 关键词:irrigation climate effect potential evapotranspiration trend hyper-arid region of China
- Effect of Nature Space on Enhancing Humans' Health and Well-Being: An Integrative Narrative Review被引量:0收藏
- 作者:Zhang, Zhiyong[1] Ye, Bing[1] Yang, Wenjuan[1] Gao, Yue[1]
- 机构:Chinese Acad Forestry
- 来源:FORESTS 2024
- 关键词:nature environment ecosystem service environmental psychology mental health physical health nature exposure nature connectedness