晋西黄土丘陵区与土石山区交错地带植物区系特征分析 被引量:3
The Characteristics of Flora of Seed Plants in the Ecotone Between the Bedrock Area and Loess Area of Western Shanxi Province
英文题名:The Characteristics of Flora of Seed Plants in the Ecotone Between the Bedrock Area and Loess Area of Western Shanxi Province
作者:董林水[1] 张旭东[1] 周金星[1]
外文期刊名:Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment
外文关键词:western Shanxi; loess hill area;the bedrock area; ecotone; the characteristics of flora
China is one of the countries which is marked by the most abundant plant species and the richest plant resources in East Asia and even in the world, and has always been attended by botanists worldwide,especially by Chinese botanists. As a result of the successful work by the Chinese botanists of several generations,the Flora of China, including more than 30000 plants,has almost been finished. The flora of loess plateau belongs to a Subregion in the North China Region in the Japan-China Forest Plant Subkingdom in the Holarctic Kingdom in Chinese Flora,which is the crisscrossing and assembling place of xerophyte,mesophyte and hygrophyte from south to north and from east to west. It is comparatively rich in species,ancient in origin,complex,varied in geographical elements,and dominant in the temperate.
In this text, Zhongyang county of west Shanxi Province was chosen as the research area which was the ecotone between the loess hilly area and bedrock area. The characteristics of flora of seed plants were studied detailedly in the region. The characteristics of flora of vegetation in the bedrock area and loess area were investigated respectively. The characteristics of flora was contrasted in the two districts. It is now known that there are 354 species of seed plants, which belong to 204 generas and 64 families. The analysis and statistics on the flora element show that the distribution of north temperate zone distribution is the main distribution pattern of genus. In the edge of the loess hill area, there are 134 species of seed plants, which belong to 93 genera and 42 families. Their the proportions in ecotone are 37.85% ,45. 59%, 65.63 % respectively. The area of bedrock natural forest region is the important region in the loess plateau. The analysis of characteristics of flora in the ecotone is very important, and the conclusion can be used to direct the restoration of loess plateau of west Shanxi provice.