不同生境对蚂蚁功能群的影响——以云南省绿春县为例 被引量:10
Effects of habitat on ant functional groups: A case study of Lüchun County, Yunnan Province, China
英文题名:Effects of habitat on ant functional groups: A case study of Lüchun County, Yunnan Province, China
外文期刊名:Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture
外文关键词:Mountain area; Southwestern China; Ant functional group; Habitat change; Plantation; Bio-indication
摘要:为探究土地利用变化主导的生境变化对蚂蚁功能群的影响,采用陷阱法和Winkler袋法调查了云南省绿春县天然次生林(N)、桉树林(E)、紫胶林(L)、橡胶林(R)、紫胶-玉米混农林(M)、旱地(D)和农田(F)7种生境类型的蚂蚁群落。共采集蚂蚁37 891头,隶属于8亚科52属137种;依据竞争关系、生境要求、行为优势以及对环境压力和干扰的响应等4个生态学特性,将52属划分为7个功能群:优势臭蚁亚科(DD)、从属弓背蚁族(SC)、广义切叶蚁亚科(GM)、机会主义者(O)、隐蔽物种(C)、气候特化种(CS)和专业捕食者(SP)。不同功能群的物种丰富度排序为机会主义者(10属32种)>气候特化种(15属29种)>广义切叶蚁亚科(3属24种)>隐蔽物种(14属21种)>从属弓背蚁族(2属16种)>专业捕食者(6属14种)>优势臭蚁亚科(2属2种)。从属弓背蚁族、气候特化种、隐蔽物种3个功能群的蚂蚁多度在天然次生林、桉树林和紫胶林中所占比例较高,而优势臭蚁亚科功能群则在干扰多的农田中比例较高;除优势臭蚁亚科仅2属2种外,在天然次生林、桉树林、紫胶林和紫胶-玉米混农林中大多数功能群的蚂蚁物种丰富度明显高于农田,而专业捕食者功能群蚂蚁物种丰富度在不同生境中差异不大。桉树林和紫胶林蚂蚁功能群的群落结构与天然次生林较为接近,橡胶林、紫胶-玉米混农林和旱地蚂蚁功能群的群落结构相似。气候特化种、广义切叶蚁亚科、机会主义者和从属弓背蚁族在不同类型样地中的物种组成变化程度大于同一类型生境重复样地间的变化程度。广义切叶蚁亚科、机会主义者和从属弓背蚁族3个功能群的蚂蚁群落在不同生境中变化明显,整体上表现为桉树林、紫胶林和天然次生林的蚂蚁群落与旱地和农田不相似;隐蔽物种和气候特化种仅在桉树林和紫胶林蚂蚁群落较为相似;专业捕食者功能群蚂蚁群落在不同生境中的变化不明显。蚂蚁功能群能够指示生境变化,广义切叶蚁亚科、从属弓背蚁族和机会主义者的指示效果较好,实质上是不同功能群中不同物种的多度及功能群内的群落组成变化对生境变化导致的干扰及资源可利用程度的响应有差异。
In order to explore the effects of habitat change driven by land use change on functional groups of ant, ant communities in secondary natural forests, eucalyptus plantations, lac insect plantations, rubber plantations, lac insect-corn agroforests, drylands and farmlands were investigated by pitfall traps and Winkler in Lüchun County, Yunnan Province. A total of 37 891 individual ants were collected, belonging to 137 species, 52 genera and 8 sub-families of Formicidae. The 52 ant genera were divided into 7 functional groups based on competitive interactions, habitat requirements, behavioral dominance, and re-sponse to environment stress and disturbance. They were Dominant Dolichoderinae, Subordinate Camponotini, Generalised Myrmicinae, Opportunities, Cryptic Species, Climate Specialists and Specialist Predators. Species richness of different functional groups was in the order of Opportunists(10 genera 32 species) Climate Specialists(15 genera 29 species) Generalized Myrmicinae(3 genera 24 species) Cryptic Species(14 genera 21 species) Subordinate Camponotini(2 genera 16 species) Specialist Predators(6 genera 14 species) Dominant Dolichoderinae(2 genera 2 species). Subordinate Camponotini, Climate Specialists and Cryptic Species had higher abundance in secondary natural forests, eucalyptus plantations and lac insect plantations. Dominant Dolichoderinae had higher abundance in farmlands with high disturbances. Dominant Dolichoderinae had only 2 genera 2 species while most other functional groups had higher species richness in secondary natural forests, eucalyptus plantations, lac insect plantations and lac insect-corn agroforests. There was less difference in species richness of specialist predators among different habitats. Community structures of ant functional groups in eucalyptus plantations and lac insect plantations had high similarities with those in secondary natural forests. The community structures of ant functional groups in rubber plantations and lac insect-corn agroforests had high similarities with those in drylands. Changes in species composition of Climate Specialists, Generalized Myrmicinae, Opportunitists and Subordinate Camponotini among different habitats were larger than those in the other samples. The changes in ant communities of Generalized Myrmicinae, Opportunitists and Subordinate Camponotini were significant in different habitats. This showed that ant communities in eucalyptus plantations, lac insect plantations and secondary natural forests were in high dissimilation with those in drylands and farmlands. Ant communities of Cryptic Species and Climate Specialists in eucalyptus plantations had high similarities with those in lac insect plantations. There were no significant changes in Specialist Predator ant communities among the different habitats. Ant functional groups were good indicators for habitat change, especially Generalized Myrmicinae, Subordinate Camponotini and Opportunitists were better indicators than the other ant functional groups. The most essential attribute was ant abundance, while community compositions within each functional group had different responses to disturbances and changes in available resources with land use change.