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腐朽木材的吸声性能     被引量:8

Sound Absorption Property of Decayed Wood



英文题名:Sound Absorption Property of Decayed Wood

作者:王东[1] 彭立民[1] 傅峰[1] 宋博骐[1] 刘美宏[1]







外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae





外文关键词:decayed wood; sound absorption property;


摘要:【目的】分析腐朽木材吸声性能与腐朽程度之间的关系,为腐朽木材的利用提供新思路。【方法】采用阻抗管法比较不同腐朽程度杨木(横切面)与正常材的法向吸声系数大小,并借助扫描电镜和压汞仪分析不同腐朽程度杨木木材孔隙的变化情况,解释其吸声性能提高的机制。【结果】3种不同腐朽程度杨木木材的平均吸声系数分别为0.35,0.27和0.24,随着腐朽程度增加,其平均吸声系数提高。不同腐朽程度杨木木材的最大吸声系数分别为0.58(1 600 Hz),0.45(3 150 Hz)和0.43(4 000 Hz),随着腐朽程度增加,吸收峰值增大并向低频方向移动。腐朽杨木木材的微观结构表明:腐朽木材细胞壁上纹孔膜被分解,闭塞纹孔重新打开,木射线等薄壁细胞被分解,甚至厚壁细胞壁也形成细小的裂纹。闭塞纹孔重新打开以及细胞壁上细小的裂纹增加了木材内部孔隙率和孔隙之间的连通性,当声波入射到腐朽木材表面时,大量的声波可以沿着这些细小的孔隙进入木材内部,木材的吸声性能提高。压汞仪测试结果表明:密度为0.23 g·cm-3的腐朽杨木木材与正常材相比,313-2 513 nm范围内的孔隙腐朽木材比正常材多1.25 m L·g-1,并且9 535-45 290 nm范围内的孔隙,腐朽木材也比正常材多,但差异不明显,密度为0.23 g·cm-3的腐朽杨木木材孔隙率提高24%,内部孔隙比表面积是正常材的3倍。腐朽木材与正常材相比,孔隙差距主要集中在几百纳米到几微米范围内,而这些小孔隙的增加导致木材的连通性提高,使更多的声波可以传入木材内部,声波通过木材内部孔隙时,由于黏性阻力声能转换为热能。小孔隙的增加导致木材内表面积增加,木材内部空气与细胞壁的接触增多,导致声波与细胞壁之间的黏性损耗增加,木材吸声性能提高。【结论】由于微生物的分解作用,木材内部形成许多微小孔隙,导致木材的孔隙率提高,木材内部孔隙比表面积增加,使得更多的声波可以进入木材内部,声波与细胞壁之间的黏性损耗增加,木材的吸声性能提高。
【Objective】Decayed wood utilization is significantly important due to environment pressure be growing with increasing the quantity of decayed wood. Analysis of the relationship between sound absorption property and decayed degree was to provide a way for decayed wood utilization.【Method】The impedance tube was used to measure normal sound absorption coefficient of cross section for different decay degree woods and health wood. The changes in the microstructure of decayed wood were examined using field emission scanning electron microscope( SEM),and mercury intrusion porosimetry( MIP) was used to analyze pore size and distribution for decayed wood. According to the changes of microvoids,the mechanism of improving sound absorption property was explained. 【Result】The average of sound absorption coefficients for three kinds of decayed woods were 0. 35,0. 27 and 0. 24,and the maximum sound absorption coefficients were 0. 58( 1 600 Hz),0. 45( 3 150 Hz) and 0. 43( 4 000 Hz),respectively. With the increase of decay degree,the average and maximum of sound absorption coefficient were both larger,and the maximum sound absorption coefficient moved to low-frequency range. The phenomenon that the destroyed and reopened in pit membrane,the broken down in parenchyma cells and the crack in cell wall were observed for decayed wood. Those microstructure changes led to the porosity and pores connectivity increasing. So much more sound waves could enter into wood when sound wave impactedagainst the wood surface,and resulted in acoustic attenuation increasing. The results of mercury intrusion porosimetry measurement indicated that the range of 313- 2 513 nm pores of decayed wood was more than 1. 25 m L·g- 1compared with health wood,however,no significant difference in the range of 9 535- 45 290 nm pores of decayed wood were found. The porosity was increased 24% in decayed wood and the inner pores specific surface areas were three times than those of health wood. The differences of pore distribution for decayed wood were ranged from several hundred nanometers to a few microns compared with health wood. Those micro-voids led to wood pores connectivity increasing,what's more,the pores specific surface area also increased,resulting in internal friction between sound wave and cell wall and acoustic attenuation increasing.【Conclusion】Those micro-voids because of microorganism decomposition improved the connectivity,porosity and pore specific surface area of wood inter-cells,and let more sound waves into wood,increased viscosity loss. So the sound absorption property of decayed wood was better than that of health wood.



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