目标树林分作业对黄土高原油松人工林天然更新的影响 被引量:20
Effect of Target Tree Stand Management on Natural Regeneration of Pinus tabulaeformis Plantations on Loess Plateau Area
英文题名:Effect of Target Tree Stand Management on Natural Regeneration of Pinus tabulaeformis Plantations on Loess Plateau Area
作者:修勤绪[1,4] 陆元昌[1] 曹旭平[2] 张文辉[3] 何景峰[3] 曾翀[1]
外文期刊名:Journal of Southwest Forestry University
外文关键词:Target Tree Stand Management; Loess Plateau; Pinus tabulaeformis plantation; understorey natural regeneration; quality growth of saplings and seedlings
摘要:油松人工林是黄土高原的重要森林类型,近自然经营是实现油松人工林多功能可持续经营目标的可行性技术体系,以单株择伐为特征的目标树林分作业法是近自然森林经营理论技术体系中最实用和最有效的基本技术内容,而林下天然更新能力的促进和发展是人工林近自然化改造进程的基本林学指标之一。以实施目标树单株木林分作业的46年生油松人工示范林为对象,以6块面积为0.25 hm2的固定观测样地数据为基础,对近自然林分作业在油松人工林林下天然更新的影响效果进行研究。在各样地中随机选取3块面积为25 m2的样方,把树种分为主要树种、伴生树种和先锋树种3类,采用常规调查与幼苗生长状况调查相结合的方法获取观测数据,研究单株干扰树择伐4年后各树种类型幼苗天然更新的数量和质量变化情况。结果表明:单株择伐后林分趋于稳定,林下更新除先锋树种外均呈聚集分布,单株择伐增加了林下天然更新的树种数量、树种株数密度,促进了林下主要树种和伴生树种的大量发育和生长,促进了林下苗木的健康生长。据此认为,近自然的目标树林分作业法适合黄土高原油松人工林的近自然化改造目标。
Pinus tabulaeformis plantation is a major forest type in Loess Plateau area. Close-to-nature forest management regime is feasible to manage the P. tabulaeformis plantations sustainably and multi-functionally. Target tree management which is characterized by single-tree-selection cutting is the most practical, effective and fundmen- tal technique of close-to-nature forest management. The promotion and development of the natural regeneration abil- ity understorey of the forest is one of the basic forestry indexes in the transformation process from regular plantations to the close-to-nature forests. Based on the data observed from six pieces of 0. 25 hm2 fixed plots, a preliminary study was conducted to evaluate how the close-to-nature operation to effect natural regeneration under the 46 year old P. tabulaeformis demonstrative plantations managed by target single-tree-selection cutting system. Three 25 m2 large subplots were randomly selected from each sample plot, and the trees in every subplot were categorized as the dominant, associate and pioneer species. The quantity and quality of the naturally regenerated seedlings of each tree species were observed by conventional survey integrated with seedling growth indexes to show the change four years after cutting of competing trees. The results showed that forest stand was getting to be more stable after con- ducting single-tree-selection cutting, the understorey regeneration of all tree species except pioneer species observed aggregation distribution. The operation of single-tree-selection cutting resulted in significant increasing of both the number and the density of regenerating species. The seedlings of dominant and associate tree species developed and grew well understorey. It could be concluded that the close-to-nature target tree management was suitable for trans- forming P. tabulaeformis plantations in Loess Plateau area.