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The mechanical properties of 2″×4″ Chinese fir dimension lumber on visual grades  ( EI收录)  


英文题名:The mechanical properties of 2″×4″ Chinese fir dimension lumber on visual grades

作者:Guo, Wei[1] Ren, Haiqing[2] Jiang, Jinghui[2] Luo, Xiuqing[2]

第一作者:Guo, Wei

通信作者:Guo, W.

机构:[1] Beijing Forestry Machinery Research Institute, State Forestry Administration, 20 An Yuan Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100029, China; [2] Research Institute of Wood Industry, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Haidian District, Beijing, 100091, China

会议论文集:11th World Conference on Timber Engineering 2010, WCTE 2010

会议日期:June 20, 2010 - June 24, 2010

会议地点:Trentino, Italy


外文关键词:Grading - Tensile strength - Timber - Wooden construction


摘要:The modulus of elasticity (MOE), modulus of rapture (MOR) and ultimate tensile strength (UTS) of 2″×4″ Chinese fir dimension lumbers on Structure Select (SS), No.l, No.2 grade were tested and analyzed separately, and the results showed that the MOE, MOR, UTS on each grade were 10.5GPa, 49.09MPa, 28.98MPa for SS grade, 10.70GPa, 43.04MPa, 46.81MPa for No.l grade, and 10.42GPa, 46.81MPa, 27.74MPa for No.2 grade. While MOR had a significant correlation with MOE for Chinese fir dimension lumber, and the correlation coefficient was 0.70. The MOE values did not have a big difference among three visual grades, and the visual grade not only had a significant effect on MOR, but also on UTS while the producing area of Chinese fir only had a significant effect on UTS after analysis by SAS software. The phenomenon that the strengths on No.l grade were lower than that of on No.2 grade needs more fürther research, and the producing area should be considered when tree choosing for testing. The study in this article was the one of earliest studies on the mechanical properties of full-size Chinese fir dimension lumber in China, which has grate significance to worldwide wood construction research on new species wood material.



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