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Overexpression of Mutant IAA21 from Dendrocalamus Sinicus Chia Et J. L. Sun in Transgenic Tobacco Reveals its Role as an ARF5 Repressor  ( EI收录)  


英文题名:Overexpression of Mutant IAA21 from Dendrocalamus Sinicus Chia Et J. L. Sun in Transgenic Tobacco Reveals its Role as an ARF5 Repressor

作者:Chen, Ling-Na[2,3] Dou, Pei-Tong[3] Chen, Yong-Kun[1] Yang, Han-Qi[3]

第一作者:陈凌娜;Chen, Ling-Na

机构:[1] Xinjiang Normal University, China; [2] College of Life Science, Xinjiang Normal University, Xinyi Road, Shayibake District, Urumqi, 830054, China; [3] Institute of Highland Forest Science, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Bailongsi, Panlong District, Kunming, 650233, China





外文关键词:Amino acids - Expansion - Plants (botany) - Silicon compounds - Tobacco

摘要:Auxin signaling plays a key role in multiple plant developmental processes. Dendrocalamus sinicus Chia et J. L. Sun is the largest woody bamboo documented in the world. Here, we identified two DsIAA21 genes (sIAA21 and bIAA21) from the straight- and bent-culm variants of D. sinicus, respectively, and studied how the domains I, i, and II of DsIAA21 affect the gene transcriptional repression. The results showed that bIAA21 expression was rapidly induced by exogenous auxin in D. sinicus. In transgenic tobacco, sIAA21 and bIAA21 mutated in domains i, and II significantly regulated plant architecture and root development. Domain i mutation changed the leucine and proline at position 45 to proline and leucine?strongly repressed cell expansion and root elongation by reducing the gravitropic response. Substitution of isoleucine with valine in domain II of the full length DsIAA21 resulted in dwarf stature in transgenic tobacco plants. Furthermore, the DsIAA21 was detected to interact with auxin response factor 5 (ARF5)?in transgenic tobacco plants, indicating that DsIAA21 represses cell expansion and root elongation by inhibiting ARF5 expression. Taken together, our data indicated that DsIAA21 was a negative regulator of culm development and suggested that amino acid differences in domain i of sIAA21 versus bIAA21 affected their response to auxin, and played a key role in the formation of the bent culm variant in D. sinicus. Our results not only shed a light on the morphogenetic mechanism in D. sinicus, but also provided new insights into versatile function of Aux/IAAs in plants. ? 2022, The Authors. All rights reserved.



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