早熟柿与晚熟柿在果实发育过程中的品质特性差异 被引量:2
Differences in quality characteristics during fruit development process between early-and late-ripening persimmon varieties
英文题名:Differences in quality characteristics during fruit development process between early-and late-ripening persimmon varieties
作者:叶令帅[1,2] 索玉静[1] 韩卫娟[1] 买旖旎[1] 王艺儒[1] 李华威[1] 孙鹏[1] 刁松锋[1] 傅建敏[1]
外文期刊名:Journal of Northwest A&F University(Natural Science Edition)
外文关键词:persimmon variety;fructescence;fruit development;fruit quality characteristics
摘要:【目的】对于成熟期差异较大的2个柿品种在发育过程中的重要品质特性进行测定分析,明确其变化规律,以期从表型以及生理层面阐释柿早晚熟性状的生物学特征,为早晚熟柿品种的栽培管理以及果实的开发利用提供参考。【方法】对早熟柿品种‘七月早’和晚熟柿品种‘吊柿’在果实发育成熟过程中的重要表型(单果质量、横纵径、色泽)及生理指标(叶绿素、类胡萝卜素、果糖、蔗糖、葡萄糖、抗坏血酸、可滴定酸、总酚、黄酮、单宁含量)进行测定分析,综合比较2个柿品种各指标在果实发育过程中形成特性及变化规律的差异,明晰柿早熟与晚熟果实的品种特性。【结果】在柿果实的发育成熟过程中,2个柿品种单果质量、横径、纵径的生长发育均符合“S”型生长曲线,其中‘七月早’花后60 d之前为第1快速生长期,60~80 d为缓慢生长期,80 d以后为第2快速生长期;而‘吊柿’花后110 d之前为第1快速生长期,110~140 d为缓慢生长期,之后进入第2快速生长期。在第1快速生长期,2个柿品种果实呈绿色,色泽指数变化较小,叶绿素、类胡萝卜素、糖、抗坏血酸、可滴定酸、总酚、黄酮等含量的变化趋势较为稳定;当果实发育进入缓慢生长期,单果质量和横纵径的增长速度变缓,果实开始转色,色泽指数发生明显变化,叶绿素、抗坏血酸、可滴定酸、总酚、黄酮、单宁等的含量开始显著降低,而类胡萝卜素、糖含量显著上升;当果实发育进入第2快速生长期,单果质量和横纵径又开始快速增长,而果实其他品质指标的变化速率又趋缓。早熟柿品种‘七月早’各品质指标的变化速率较快,变化起始节点均早于晚熟品种‘吊柿’;晚熟品种‘吊柿’具有较长的第1快速生长期,且其在果实生长发育过程中具有明显的蔗糖高峰现象。在果实成熟之后,晚熟品种‘吊柿’的糖类、抗坏血酸、可滴定酸、总酚、不溶性单宁等的含量均高于‘七月早’。【结论】缓慢生长期是柿果实多个重要性状变化的关键时期,2个柿品种主要品质特性的形成均开始于果实的缓慢生长期,并在第2个快速生长期变化速率减缓并趋于稳定。晚熟品种‘吊柿’在果实成熟后,主要影响果实风味的糖酸等的含量均高于早熟品种‘七月早’。
【Objective】The important quality characteristics of two persimmon cultivars with large differences in maturity during development process were measured and analyzed and the variation was clarified,so as to explain biological characteristics of early and late ripening traits of persimmon from the phenotypic and physiological levels and provide references for the cultivation management and fruit utilization of persimmon varieties.【Method】The important phenotypes(single fruit weight,transverse and vertical diameters and color)and physiological indicators(contents of chlorophyll,carotenoids,fructose,sucrose,glucose,ascorbic acid,titrable acid,total phenols,flavonoids and tannin)of the early-ripening persimmon cultivar Diospyros kaki‘Qiyuezao’and the late-ripening persimmon cultivar Diospyros kaki‘Diaoshi’during fruit development and maturation were measured and analyzed.The differences in formation characteristics and variation of each index were comprehensively compared,and the variety characteristics of early and late ripening fruits were clarified.【Result】During fruit development and maturation,the growth and development of single fruit weight,horizontal diameter and longitudinal diameter of the two varieties showed a“S”shaped curve.The first rapid growth period of‘Qiyuezao’was within 60 days after flowering,the slow growth period was 60 to 80 d after flowering and the second rapid growth period was 80 d after flowering.For‘Diaoshi’,the first 110 days after flowering were the first rapid growth period,days 110 to 140 after flowering were the slow growth period,and rest days were the second rapid growth period.In the first rapid growth period,the fruits were green,their color index changes were small,and contents of chlorophyll,carotenoids,sugar,ascorbic acid,titrable acid,total phenols and flavonoids were relatively stable.During the slow growth period,growth rates of single fruit quality as well as horizontal and vertical diameters slowed down,fruits began to change color,color index changed significantly,contents of chlorophyll,ascorbic acid,titrable acid,total phenol,flavonoids and tannins began to decrease significantly,while contents of carotenoids and sugars increased significantly.During the second rapid growth stage,the weight of single fruit and horizontal and vertical diameters began to grow rapidly,and changes of other quality indicators slowed down.The changes of quality indicators of‘Qiyuezao’were relatively fast,and the starting points of the changes were earlier than that of‘Diaoshi’.‘Diaoshi’had a long first rapid growth period,and it had obvious sucrose peak during fruit growth and development.After ripening,‘Diaoshi’had higher contents of sugars,ascorbic acid,titrable acid,total phenols and insoluble tannins than‘Qiyuezao’.【Conclusion】The slow growth period was a critical period for the changes of multiple important traits of persimmon fruits.The formation of main quality characteristics of the two varieties started in the slow growth period and it slowed down and stabilized in the second rapid growth period.‘Diaoshi’had higher contents of factors mainly affecting flavor of ripe fruits than‘Qiyuezao’.