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长白山杨桦次生林采伐林隙幼苗更新动态     被引量:48

Regeneration Dynamics of Logging Gaps in Populus davidiana-Betula platyphylla Secondary Forests in Changbai Mountain



英文题名:Regeneration Dynamics of Logging Gaps in Populus davidiana-Betula platyphylla Secondary Forests in Changbai Mountain

作者:宋新章[1] 张智婷[2] 肖文发[3] 李冬生[4] 张慧玲[1]








外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae





外文关键词:logging gap; regeneration; secondary forest; Changbai Mountain


Regeneration dynamic in logging gap of different sizes and ages was studied in Populus davidiana-Betula platyphylla secondary forests in Changbai Mountain by using line transects method. The results showed: The gaps occupied 7 % (canopy gaps area 〈 50 m^2 ) ,21% (50 - 100 m^2 ) ,36% ( 100 - 150 m^2 ) ,29% ( 150 - 200 m^2 ) ,7% ( 〉 200 m^2 ) in the proportion of logging gap sizes respectively; Gaps were usually formed after 7 - 10 trees logged that were mainly composed of P. davidiana, B. platyphylla and Maackia amurensis. The composition of seedlings species was simple and the distribution of seedlings was not evenness in gaps. The species number, individual density, LAI, mean height and mean basilar diameter of seedlings were better in gaps than in non-gaps. Some species, such as Aeer mono, Sorbus pohuashanensis, M. amurensis adapted well to gaps, but other species, such as Fraxinus mandshurica and Malus baccata adapted well to non-gaps. With the increasing of gap ages, owe to the litter and nutrition content increasing in soil, the species number and individual density of seedlings increased distinctly, and seedlings growth was improved, the adyantage for regeneration in gaps was more obvious than in non-gaps. The seedling trait was obvious difference at different position, within gaps result from the obvious space heterogeneity of PAR, soil nutrition content and litter. The regeneration was best at west edge of gap and most inferior at center and mid-north of gap. The seedlings of regeneration in 〈 50 m^2 gaps were as equivalent as those in non-gaps, the least in 〉 200 m^2 gaps and excellent in 100 - 150 m^2 gaps where the individual density, LAI, height growth and basilar diameter growth were first-class, which was due to the huge difference of PAR in gaps of different sizes. Therefore, the gap of 100 -150 m^2 benefited the regeneration of seedlings best.



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