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天山乌鲁木齐河源区高山带植被及其生物多样性初步研究     被引量:39

A Preliminary Study on the Alpine Vegetation and the Biodiversity in the Headwater Area of Urumqi River in the Tianshan Mountains



英文题名:A Preliminary Study on the Alpine Vegetation and the Biodiversity in the Headwater Area of Urumqi River in the Tianshan Mountains

作者:贾宝全[1] 闫顺[2] 李国旗[3] 许英勤[2]








外文期刊名:Arid Zone Research


基金:国家自然科学基金资助项目 (4 0 0 710 0 4)



外文关键词:alpine vegetation; biodiversity; headwater area of Urumqi River.


摘要:本文以天山乌鲁木齐河源区为研究范围 ,对其植物种类组成、植被类型、物种的多样性等进行了初步探讨。结果表明 ,该区域共有高等植物 17科 4 1属 5 7种其中以禾本科 (8种 )、菊科 (7种 )、毛茛科 (7种 )、莎草科 (5种 )和十字花科 (5种 )占优势。该区域植被包含了两个垂直带 :高山草甸和高山垫状植被 ,另外在高山流石滩上也出现了处于演替早期阶段的高山植物群聚。根据中国植被的植被分类原则 ,共划分出了苔草群系 (Form .Carexsp)、嵩草群系 (Form .Kobresiasp .)、高山莓群系 (Form .Sibbaldiatetrandra )、高山红景天群系 (Form .Rhodiolacoccinea )、柔子草群系 (Form .Thylacospermumcaespitosum )等 5个群系 18类植物群落。利用Simpson指数和Shannon -Wiener指数所作的生物多样性分析表明 ,高山流石滩植被的多样性最低 ,而以垫状植被的生物多样性最高 ;同时 ,在研究区30 0m的海拔高程范围内 ,其多样性指数呈现出随海拔高度增加而递减的变化趋势。
Biodiversity is one of the important ecological characters of the biological communities, and plays a very important role in the existence and development of human society. Many achievements in biodiversity research have been carried out in China, however, the research on the biodiversity of alpine plants is less. As the backings of the existence of other ecosystems, the mountainous regions are the key areas of protecting the biodiversity in the arid areas. This paper discusses the composition, species and biodiversity of the vegetation in the headwater area of Urumqi River in the Tianshan Mountains, China. The results show that the higher plants in this area have 17 families, 41 genera and 57 species, which are dominated by Gramineae (8 species), Compositae (7 species), Ranunculaceae (7 species), Cyperaceae (5 species) and Cruciferae (5 species). The vegetation in the area includes two vertical zones, i.e., the alpine meadow and the cushion-like vegetation. In addition, some alpine plants in the early succession grow on the alpine taluses. According to the classification principles of Chinese vegetation, in the area there are 5 vegetation forms, i.e., the forms of Carex sp., Kobresia sp., Sibbaldia tetrandra, Rhodiola coccinea, and Thylacospermum caespitosum, which include 18 vegetation communities. By using Simpson's and Shannon-Wiener's indexes about biodiversity, the analyzed results show that the biodiversity is lowest in the alpine talus zones but highest in the zones with cushion-like vegetation. Moreover, the biodiversity index decreases with the increase of elevation in the study area of 300 m in altitude.



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