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基于杨生褐盘二孢菌2个专化型的ITS2二级结构特征分析     被引量:2

Characteristics of ITS2 Secondary Structure of Marssonina brunnea Two Formae Speciales



英文题名:Characteristics of ITS2 Secondary Structure of Marssonina brunnea Two Formae Speciales

作者:孙晓明[1] 严东辉[1,2] 贺伟[3] 张星耀[1,2]








外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae





外文关键词:Marssonina brunnea; forma specialis; phylogenetic tree; the secondary structure of the ITS2; CBC analysis;


摘要:【目的】杨生褐盘二孢菌在杨属的不同寄主上存在2个专化型,根据形态特征和现有的一些核酸分子序列标记上不易区分;本文在利用盘二孢属核糖体转录间隔区(ITS)序列构建的系统发育树基础上,结合ITS2区分2个专化型的特异性。【方法】对23株杨生褐盘二孢菌孢子形态特征观察。以基因组DNA为模板进行PCR扩增,得到ITS序列。对从NCBI数据库中下载的盘二孢属的参考ITS序列,分别利用最大似然法、最大简约法和贝叶斯法构建3种系统发育树。同时,结合应用The ITS2 database预测ITS2二级结构模型,从分子进化角度分析杨生褐盘二孢菌2个专化型的特性。【结果】在寄主叶片上挑取的病原菌孢子形态比较典型,而在培养基上培养的孢子形态差异较大,不能依据传统的芽管萌发数有效区分2个专化型。3种ITS序列系统发育树可区分盘二孢属的3个种,但无法将参考ITS序列准确定位到专化型中。通过比较盘二孢属ITS2二级结构发现:蔷薇盘二孢菌和苹果盘二孢菌种内的菌株以及包括参考ITS序列在内的杨生褐盘二孢菌同一专化型的ITS2二级结构模型完全相同,但3个种之间及杨生褐盘二孢菌2专化型之间,ITS2二级结构上有多个位点的碱基差异。其中,杨生褐盘二孢菌白杨专化型的ITS2二级结构中螺旋Ⅰ上第17位碱基为A,螺旋Ⅱ上第43和44位碱基为AC,螺旋Ⅲ的CBC位点上配对碱基是第76和114位碱基C和G,hemi-CBC位点上是第75位碱基U;黑杨专化型的ITS2二级结构中螺旋Ⅰ上第17位碱基为U,螺旋Ⅱ上第43和44位碱基分别为G和U,螺旋Ⅲ上CBC位点上配对碱基分别是第76和114位的碱基U和A,hemi-CBC位点上是第75位碱基C。杨生褐盘二孢菌2个专化型在这些结构上存在碱基变异。【结论】基于ITS序列构建的3种系统发育树能将盘二孢属真菌在种间水平上进行区分,但不能在种内区分;通过ITS2二级结构的比较可发现,盘二孢属内不同种和专化型的碱基存在明显差异,且种内专化型存在CBCs配对碱基差异。因此,ITS2二级结构和系统发育树是更有效地区分杨生褐盘二孢菌2个专化型的分子依据。
【Objective】Two formae speciales of Marssonina brunnea in Populus genus cannot be distinguished easily based on their morphologies and some nucleic acid molecular sequence marks. In this study,we applied combination of the phylogenetic trees with Marssonina ribosomal internal transcribed spacer( ITS) sequence and the secondary structures of ITS2 to discriminate the specificities of the two formae speciales. 【Method 】The twenty-three strains were cultured for fungal spore morphology observation. Genomic DNA was used as a template for PCR amplification on their ITS sequences.The reference ITS sequences of Marssonina were downloaded from the NCBI database. Three phylogenetic trees based on ML,MP and Bayes methods,respectively,were constructed. The ITS2 database was applied to predict ITS2 secondary structure model,and analyze the characterizations of the two formae speciales from the perspective of molecular evolution.【Result】The pathogen spore had a typical morphology of a forma specialis in host leaves in the field,but the spores were quite different in morphology on culture medium. We can't effectively distinguish two formae speciales on the basis of the traditional number of germinated germ tubes. Three kinds of ITS sequences phylogenetic trees according to ML,MP and Bayes approaches showed that there were three species in Marssonina genus. But reference ITS sequences with a formae speciales from M. brunnea can't be accurately located into the other same formae speciales with other strains. With the ITS2 secondary structure prediction model,it was found that Marssonina ITS2 secondary structure was identical in the three species,M. rosae,M. coronariae,and two formae speciales of M. brunnea. But the ITS2 secondary structures have multiple bases sites different among the three species. In the ITS2 secondary structure of M. brunnea leuce biotypes,the17 th base is A in Helix I,the 43 th and 44 th bases are AC in Helix II. The compensatory base change( CBC) sites are the76 th C and 114 th G,hemi-CBC site is the 75 th U in Helix III. In the ITS2 secondary structure of M. brunnea aigeiros biotypes,the 17 th base is U in Helix I,the 43 th and 44 th bases are GU in Helix II. The compensatory base change( CBC) sites are 76 th U and 114 th A,hemi-CBC site is the 75 th C in Helix III. These base changes are distinguished in two formae speciales in the ITS2 secondary structure.【Conclusion】The Marssonina strains can be distinguished in species level by three phylogenetic trees base on ITS sequences,but cannot be distinguished into subspecies; With comparative analysis of ITS2 secondary structures,the Marssonina genus is obviously different,and there are also compensatory base changes within formae speciales. Application of ITS2 secondary structures combined with phylogenetic trees can be more effective molecular characterizations to distinguish the two formae speciales in M. brunnea.



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