模拟氮沉降对杉木林土壤氮循环相关微生物的影响 被引量:10
Response of the N-Cycling Associated Soil Microorganism to Simulated N Deposition in a Plantation of Cunninghamia lanceolata
英文题名:Response of the N-Cycling Associated Soil Microorganism to Simulated N Deposition in a Plantation of Cunninghamia lanceolata
作者:刘彩霞[1] 焦如珍[1] 董玉红[1] 孙启武[1] 周新华[2] 李峰卿[2]
外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae
外文关键词:nitrogen deposition;azotobacter;nitrobacteria;nitrite bacteria;denitrobacteria
摘要:【目的】土壤微生物数量是衡量土壤氮素循环生化功能变化的重要指标。通过野外模拟试验,探讨短期氮沉降中不同氮素形态的沉降量对土壤中可培养固氮菌、硝酸细菌、亚硝酸细菌和反硝化细菌数量的影响,以及初期的变化趋势对森林氮素调控和环境管理的重要意义,为深入研究氮沉降对杉木林森林生态系统的影响提供参考。【方法】2013年5月,在杉木幼龄林内建立30个1 m ×1 m的样方,进行5种氮沉降量[N0(对照)、N1(20 kg· hm -2a -1)、N2(40 kg·hm -2a -1)、N3(60 kg·hm -2a -1)、N4(80 kg·hm -2a -1)]和2种氮形态(I铵态氮、II硝态氮)的模拟沉降试验。分别于2013年6,8,10月从0~10 cm和10~20 cm 土层取样测定微生物数量。固氮菌数量测定采用稀释平板计数法,硝酸和亚硝酸细菌数量采用 MPN-Griess 比色法,反硝化细菌(厌氧)采用酚二磺比色法。【结果】各处理的0~10 cm土层中固氮菌数量均高于10~20 cm 土层;随着氮沉降量增加,可培养固氮菌数量先升高后降低。低于60 kg·hm -2 a -1铵态氮处理有利于固氮菌生长。0~10 cm 土层亚硝酸细菌数量,随铵态氮沉降量增加,先升高再降低最后趋于平缓,在 N1或 N2处理达到最大值;施硝态氮时,菌落数量先降低再升高最终趋于平稳。在6月,虽然铵态氮和硝态氮的氮沉降量相同,但0~10 cm 土层中的亚硝酸细菌数量差异极显著,10~20 cm土层差异显著。8月和10月的硝酸细菌数量变化趋势相同,均为随氮沉降量增加先上升再下降再上升,且在相同氮素沉降量的铵态氮和硝态氮处理间未出现显著差异。反硝化细菌的时间变化与其他菌落不同,施铵态氮时二土层的变化趋势相反,施加硝态氮时反硝化细菌的数量变化较平缓,NO3--N的 N4处理有轻微抑制作用。【结论】0~10 cm土层的固氮菌数量大于10~20 cm土层,0~60 kg·hm -2 a -1铵态氮和0~80 kg·hm -2 a -1硝态氮均可促进固氮菌的生长。亚硝酸细菌在2种氮形态处理时的变化趋势相反,低铵态氮处理可促进亚硝酸细菌的生长,低硝态氮处理抑制其生长。氮形态对硝酸细菌数量影响不显著,低氮处理促进硝酸细菌数量的增长,而中氮处理开始出现抑制作用。氮沉降量对反硝化细菌影响不显著。
[Objective]The number of microorganism in soil is an important index in determining the change of the biochemical function of soil nitrogen cycle. While the current studies mostly focus on the microbial flora,the research on nitrogen cycling associated microorganisms is little. In this paper,the influence of deposition amount of short-term nitrogen deposition in different nitrogen forms on soil culturable azotobacter, nitric acid bacteria, nitrous acid bacteria and denitrifying bacteria is studied by a field simulation experiment. The change trend at early stage in response to the N-deposition is an important knowledge for forest nitrogen regulation and environmental management,and this study would provide reference for the further research on effects of nitrogen deposition on Chinese fir plantation ecosystem.[Method]In May 2013,30 plots of 1 m × 1 m were established in a Cunninghamia lanceolata plantation to simulate nitrogen loadings at 5 levels: N0,N1,N2,N3,and N4 with 0,20,40,60 and 80 kg·hm - 2 a - 1 ,respectively. Soil samples were collected in 0 -10 cm and 10 -20 cm soil layers in June,August and October 2013,respectively. The dilution plate counting method was used to determine the amount of nitrogen fixing bacteria,and the MPN-Griess colorimetry for measuring nitrate and nitrite bacteria,and the phenol two sulfonyl colorimetric method for denitrifying bacteria ( anaerobic) .[Result]The results showed: the amount of azotobacter in the 0-10 cm soil layer was more than in 10 -20 cm. Along with the increase of N deposition,the amount of azotobacter showed a trend that it firstly increased and then decreased. Moreover, ammonium nitrogen deposition(0 -60 kg·hm -2a -1) was in favor of the amount of azotobacter. The amount of nitrite bacteria first increased and then decreased with the increasing ammonium nitrogen,and obtained maximum value in N1 or N2 treatment. The amount of nitrite bacteria showed an almost opposite change patterns in response to nitrate nitrogen addition. In June,nitrite bacteria appeared extremely significant difference with the same ammonium and nitrate nitrogen in 0-10 cm soil layer,and there also was significant difference in 10 -20 cm soil layer. The amount of nitrobacteria showed the same trend in August and October,that was first increase and then decrease and the change showed no significant difference between the two nitrogen forms treatments. The changing trend of denitrobacteria with ammonium nitrogen deposition was opposite between the two soil layers ( 0 - 10 cm,10 - 20 cm ) . Nitrate deposition had no significant effect on denitrobacteria,and the high concentration of nitrogen lightly restrained growth of denitrobacteria.[Conclusion]The amount of azotobacter in 0-10 cm soil layer was greater than that in the 10 -20 cm layer. Ammonium nitrogen (0 -60 kg·hm - 2 a -1) promoted the growth of azotobacter,so did the nitrate nitrogen (0 -80 kg·hm - 2 a -1). For the two nitrogen forms,the trend was inconsistent,low ammonium nitrogen promoted the nitrite bacteria growth,and the low nitrate nitrogen inhibited it. Nitrogen deposition forms had no significant effects on nitrate bacteria,low nitrogen deposition promoted the growth,and the high concentration restrained the growth. The quantity of nitrogen deposition had no significant effect on denitrifying bacteria.