不同配置方式杨树超短轮伐人工林光合特性及生长差异 ( EI收录) 被引量:4
Differences in Photosynthetic Characteristics and Growth in Short-Rotation Poplar of Different Spacing Configurations
英文题名:Differences in Photosynthetic Characteristics and Growth in Short-Rotation Poplar of Different Spacing Configurations
作者:黄绢[1] 李丹[1] 王宁宁[2] 苏晓华[1] 黄秦军[1]
通信作者:Huang, Qinjun
外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae
外文关键词:poplar; short-rotation plantation; spacing; growth; photosynthesis characteristics
摘要:【目的】探讨杨树超短轮伐经营中不同配置方式对产量的影响,建立优化株行距配置方式,以短时间内获得较大干物质量,为造纸、纤维板生产等提供大量的原材料,同时为高密度超短轮伐杨树生产经营提供理论依据。【方法】在3种配置处理(行距×株距:处理1:120 cm×30 cm,处理2:40 cm×90 cm,处理3:60 cm×60 cm)条件下,对超短轮伐‘渤丰3号’杨林分微环境变化、光合特性、生长性状等差异进行研究。【结果】1)处理1的苗高和侧枝数量显著高于处理2,而单株叶面积、侧枝长度显著高于处理3和处理2;3种处理的‘渤丰3号’杨单位面积地上部分干物质量都超过3.00×104kg·hm-2,其中处理1的干物质量产量最高,达4.23×104kg·hm-2,较处理2和处理3分别显著高出24.41%和17.50%。2)林分内微环境受不同配置处理方式的影响,适当提高行距、减少株距,可提高林分内空气CO2浓度和冠层内空气温度(处理1>处理3>处理2),降低冠层内空气湿度(处理1<处理3<处理2)。3)不同配置处理的林分内微环境变化引起‘渤丰3号’杨的光合特性差异,3种处理的净光合速率(Pn)日变化均呈双峰曲线,处理1的Pn日累积,量为165.66μmol·m-2d-1,显著高于处理2 7.03%。4)相关性分析表明,不同配置处理的渤丰3号杨群体地上部分干物质量与株高、单株叶面积、PTL、单株光合日累积量呈显著相关或极显著(P<0.01)相关,苗高生长与胸径生长显著相关。【结论】合理调整高密度栽植的超短轮伐林株行距配置,能够改善林分内微环境,提高‘渤丰3号’杨的光合潜力,从而影响其生长,最终影响地上部分干物质量的积累。在轮伐期为2年时,处理1(120 cm×30 cm)配置下‘渤丰3号’杨能够获得最大的生物量,表明该配置方式具有一定的推广价值。
[Objective]To find a suitable spacing configuration with which more dry biomass of poplars can be harvested in a short period of time,we conducted a study on photosynthetic characteristics and growth of a 2-years-old new variety of poplar(Populus × euramericana.‘Bofeng 3) for pulpwood production under short rotation management in this article.[Method]The forest micro-environment,photosynthetic characteristics and growth of poplar in the plantation with 3spacing configurations(row spacing × plant spacing,treatment 1:120 cm × 30 cm,treatment 2:40 cm × 90 cm,treatment 3:60 cm × 60 cm) were investigated.[Result]1) Results showed that seedling height and collateral number in treatment 1 were significantly higher and more than those in treatment 2,and the leaf area per plant and collateral branch length were significantly greater than those of treatment 3 and treatment 2.The dry biomass yield in unit area in the all 3 configurations was more than 3.00 × 10^4kg·hm^-2.The biomass yield in treatment 1 was about 4.23 × 10^4kg·hm^-2,and was significantly higher by 24.41% and 17.50% than that in treatment 2 and treatment 3,respectively.2) The stand micro-environment was affected by different spacing configurations.An appropriate increase in row spacing and decrease in plant spacing were able to increase density of Ca,canopy temperature(treatment 1 treatment 3 treatment 2) andreduce canopy related humidity(treatment 1 treatment 3 treatment 2).3) Variation of micro-environment in different configuration forests influenced differentially photosynthetic characteristics.The diurnal variation of net photosynthetic rate(Pn) of the variety in all three configurations showed a bimodal curve,the daily accumulation of Pn(165.66 μmol·m^-2d^-1) in treatment 1 was 7.03% higher than treatment 2(P〈0.05).4) Correlation analysis showed that dry biomasses of aboveground part were both significantly or very significantly(P〈0.01) correlated to seedling height,leaf area per plant,PTL and daily accumulation of photosynthesis per plant,and seedling height was significantly correlated to diameter at breast height.[Conclusion]The results suggest that proper adjustment of spacing configurations of the short-rotation forests with high density can improve micro-environment and increase photosynthetic potential of"Populus × euramericana‘Bofeng 3'",then affect plant growth,finally influence the accumulation of aboveground dry biomass.For a rotation of two years,the configuration(120 cm × 30 cm) can obtain the maximum biomass of P.×euramericana.‘Bofeng 3'and the configuration shows a certain promotional value.