绿竹笋用林长周期母竹留养模式研究 被引量:5
Study on management model of long period stocking bamboo conservation in Dendrocalamopsis oldhami
英文题名:Study on management model of long period stocking bamboo conservation in Dendrocalamopsis oldhami
外文期刊名:Journal of Nanjing Forestry University:Natural Sciences Edition
外文关键词:Dendrocalamopsis oldhami;stocking bamboo conservation;management model;long period stocking;shoot stand
摘要:【目的】笋用竹林经营中合理的竹林结构是保证竹林高产稳产的前提条件,本研究目的在于为优化绿竹竹林结构、进一步提高笋用竹林产量提供科学依据。【方法】以常规母竹留养方式(每年都留养竹,1年竹、2年竹数量比为3∶1)为对照,对长周期母竹留养竹林(每年留养1次,4年时更换全部母竹)进行发笋能力、笋期、产量、经济效益等指标的评价。【结果】在长周期留养母竹的模式下,割取1只竹笋,能增加1.8~3.0个笋芽;单个留养周期内笋篼可延伸到8个层级;各层级的成笋数量为8.0~10.2,均高于母竹笋目成笋数;新竹与母竹的距离可达64.4 cm,远大于普通竹林的27.0 cm。长周期留养母竹模式能提前15 d出笋,延后15 d停止发笋;产量为37.9 kg/(丛·a),比常规经营方式提高了22.1%;收入504.3元/(丛·a),比常规留养经营提高26.86%;利润281.4元/(丛·a),比常规留养经营提高68%。【结论】长周期母竹留养模式延长了笋期,提高了产量和经济效益,减少了母竹数量,进而降低了竹篼清理和老竹砍伐劳动强度;株距的增大还有利于机械化作业,因此是一种值得推广的实用技术措施。
【Objective】A reasonable bamboo forest population structure leads to a high and stable yield in bamboo forests. Therefore, our aim was to optimize the population structure of bamboo stands, and consequently, improve shoot yield.【Method】Using the conventional stocking bamboo conservation method as the control treatment, we evaluated the shooting ability, yield and economic benefit of long-period stocking bamboo conservation forests.【Result】Under the long-period stocking bamboo conservation mode, cutting one bamboo shoot could increase shoot buds by 1.8 to 3.0 shoot buds. It was also observed that the eight stubble generations were expended during one conservation period and 8.0-10.2 shoots were formed in each stubble generation, which was more than the shoot number from the stocking plant. Additionally, the distance between young bamboo and stocking bamboo was 64.4 cm on average, which was much further than that of 27.0 cm in the control treatment. Furthermore, the shoots emerged 15 days in advance and a delay of 15 days was seen before it stopped producing shoots. Its yearly yield was 37.9 kg per cluster, which is 22.1% higher than that of the control treatment. Moreover, its yearly revenue was 504.3 Yuan per cluster, which is 26.86% higher than that of the control treatment;while its yearly profit was 281.4 Yuan per cluster, which is 68% higher than that of the control treatment.【Conclusion】The long-period stocking bamboo conservation mode prolonged the shoot period, improved the yield and economic benefits, reduced the number of stocking bamboo plants, and further reduced the labor intensity of bamboo stump removal and old bamboo cutting. The inter-bamboo distance was also more conducive to mechanized operations. The long-period stocking bamboo conservation mode is a simple and practical technical measure that is worth popularizing.