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马尾松二代无性系种子园的花期同步性  ( EI收录)   被引量:1

The Flowering Synchronicity of Second-Generation Clonal Seed Orchard of Masson Pine (Pinus massoniana)



英文题名:The Flowering Synchronicity of Second-Generation Clonal Seed Orchard of Masson Pine (Pinus massoniana)

作者:陈坦[1] 张振[1] 楚秀丽[1] 金国庆[1] 周志春[1] 丰忠平[2]


通信作者:Zhang, Zhen







外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae





外文关键词:Pinus massoniana;second-generation seed orchard;clones;flowering synchronism


摘要:【目的】研究马尾松二代种子园无性系的开花物候特征、花期同步性、结实状况及气候影响因子,评价无性系花期同步性规律,指导种子园经营生产及提高种子遗传品质与产量。【方法】连续2年对浙江省淳安县姥山林场马尾松二代无性系矮化种子园的22个无性系进行花期、花量和结实性状调查,分析其开花物候与花期同步指数。【结果】各无性系雌雄球花整体花期持续时间为8~17天, 2014年始花期相对于2013年滞后约6天,且持续时间缩短约6天。整体水平上,年度内雌球花及雄球花的各花期时长差异较小;无性系的始花期和盛花期的物候特征年度间存在差异, 2014年无性系内雌雄球花开花的同步性更强。无性系的开花物候受气候因素影响较大,这使得无性系间开花同步程度降低,花期同步指数变异增加, 2013年和2014年花期同步指数变化范围分别为0.041~0.556和0.284~0.802,无性系的平均变异系数分别为32.3%和16.8%。各无性系分别作为父、母本时,年度内无性系花期整体同步性水平差异较小,表现出无性系作为父本时的散粉期整体的同步性要高于作为母本时的可授粉期的同步性。年度间无性系作为父、母本及自交的花期同步指数均有极显著差异, 2014年各无性系的花期同步指数在整体水平均高于2013年,但自交指数在年度间无显著差异。相关分析表明,雌球花越多的无性系的球果数越多;而雌球花花期持续时间越长的无性系座果率越高;不同年度的雌球花盛花期和花期的持续时间均与千粒质量指标呈显著或极显著正相关。【结论】浙江姥山林场马尾松二代无性系种子园雌、雄球花的花期具有较好的同步性,无性系间没有出现花期不遇现象。无性系交配组合的雌球花可授粉期和雄球花的散粉期影响了种子园无性系的种实品质及座果率。连续2年的观测表明无性系间花期整体同步性水平存在差异,且这种差异与二代种子园无性系的亲本遗传背景有关。各无性系分别作为父、母本时,表现出无性系作为父本时的散粉期整体的同步性要高于作为母本时的可授粉期的同步性,无性系作为父本和母本时花期同步指数呈负相关,且种子园内存在1/3无性系具有高于异交平均水平的自交可能性,是马尾松二代种子园管理和无性系再选择应综合考虑的因素。
【Objective】The flowering phenology,flowering synchronism,seed setting and impacting climate factors of clones of the second-generation clonal seed orchard of Pinus massoniana were studied to evaluate the synchronization rule of clones,guide seed orchard management and production as well as improve seed genetic quality and yield.【Method】For two consecutive years,we investigated 22 clones in dwarfed second-generation clonal seed orchard of Pinus massoniana into the normal flowering and fruiting period in Laoshan Forest Farm in Chun’an County of Zhejiang province,including flowering phase,flower number and fruit characteristics,to analyze the flowering phenology and flowering synchrony index.【Result】The flowering period of both female and male flowers of all clones was 8-17 days.The initial flowering in 2014 was 6 days later than in 2013,and the lasting period was shortened by about 6 days relative to 2013.Overall,there were small differences in flowering period between female and male flowers in the same year,bigger differences were found among years in the initial time and peak time of flowering,and the flowering of female and male flowers of the same clone were more synchronized in 2014.The flowering phenology of clones was different greatly between the two years,related to climate during the flowering phase,which caused decrease of flowering synchronicity and increase of variation of flowering synchrony index,ranging from 0.041 to 0.556 and 0.284 to 0.802 respectively in 2013 and 2014.The average coefficient of variation of clones was 32.3%and 16.8%,respectively.When a clone was used respectively as male and female parent,the difference level of flowering synchronization was small within the same year.The level of flowering synchronization in male parent was higher than that as female parent.There was a significant difference between the two years in synchronism index when respectively used as male,female parent and for selfing.Compared with 2013,the flowering synchronization index in 2014 was significantly increased,but there was no significant difference in self-compatibility index between the two years.Correlation analysis showed that the clones with more female flowers had more fruits;and the clones with longer flowering period of female flowers had higher fruit-setting rate.There was significant positive correlation between the peaking time and flowering duration of female flowers and the weight of thousand seeds.【Conclusion】The second-generation clonal seed orchard of Pinus massoniana in Laoshan Forest Farm of Zhejiang Province had good flowering synchrony between female and male flowers,no asynchrony was found among the clones.The pollinating period of female flowers and the pollen dispersing period of male flowers of the mating pairs affected the quality of seeds and fruit setting rate.The synchronism of clone was influenced by meteorological factors.Observations in two consecutive years indicated that there were differences among clones in flowering synchronization level,which was made by the differences in flowering phenology of clone,and the differences were related to the genetic background of the parental clones in the second generation clonal seed orchard.The synchronicity of pollen dispersion period was higher when used as male parent than the synchronicity of the pollinating period when used as female parent.The flowering synchronization index showed a negative correlation when a clone uses respectively as male and female parent.The possibility of self-crossing of 1/3 of the clones in the seed orchard was higher than the average level of out-crossing,which was the factor that should be taken into account in the management of seed orchard and the selection of clones.



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