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人工林米老排木材解剖性质及其变异性研究  ( EI收录)   被引量:29

Wood anatomical properties and their variations of Mytilaria laosensis plantations.



英文题名:Wood anatomical properties and their variations of Mytilaria laosensis plantations.

作者:梁善庆[1] 罗建举[2]


通信作者:Liang, S.-Q.







外文期刊名:Journal of Beijing Forestry University





外文关键词:plantation, Mytilaria laosensis, anatomical properties, variation patterns


摘要:为了解人工林米老排木材解剖性质,并探求其木材材质变异规律的内在机制,为建立米老排“培育—材性—加工利用”一体化的模式提供必要的理论依据,该文借助电子显微镜和计算机显微图像分析系统,从微观的角度,应用定量解剖学方法,对米老排木材解剖性质及其沿径向的变异规律进行了系统的测定和分析.研究结果表明:①米老排纤维长度、宽度、双壁厚、长宽比、壁腔比、腔径比平均值分别为2 014.2μm、26.19μm、11.07μm、78.68、0.79、0.57;由髓心向外除腔径比呈递减趋势外其余纤维形态指标呈递增趋势.②导管分子长度、宽度、双壁厚、长宽比、壁腔比、腔径比平均值分别为1 666.0μm5、3.83μm、5.44μm、31.85、0.12、0.90;由髓心向外除双壁厚和壁腔比呈递减趋势外其余导管分子形态指标呈递增趋势.③纤维比量、导管比量、木射线比量和薄壁组织比量平均值分别为54.8%、16.5%、27.6%1、.1%;由髓心向外木纤维比量呈增加趋势,导管分子比量呈递减趋势,木射线比量和薄壁组织比量变异规律不明显.④微纤丝角平均值为8.4°,由髓心向外呈递减趋势.⑤幼龄材与成熟材的界限为第7年.
In order to comprehend the anatomical properties and search the interior mechanisms of wood property variations of Mytilaria laosensis plantation, and provide solid scientific basis for establishing serial pattern of the "culturing-wood properties-processing and utilizing", M. laosensis plantation wood was systematically studied on the anatomical properties and their radial variation patterns by using electronic microscope and micrograph analysis system of computer, and approaches of quantitative anatomy were used from a microscopic aspect. The results were as the followings : 1 ) the average values of fiber length, width, wall thickness, ratio of length to width, wall thickness to cavity and cavity to width were 2 014.2 μm, 26.19 μm, 11.07 μm, 78.68, 0.79 and 0.57 respectively. From pith to bark, the radial variation patterns of all fiber morphological parameters were gradually increasing, except for the ratio of cavity to width was gradually decreasing; 2) the average values of vessel element length, width, wall thickness, ratio of length to width, wall thickness to diameter and cavity to width were 1 666.0 μm, 53.83 μm, 5.44 μm, 31.85, 0.12 and 0.90 respectively. From pith to bark, the radial variation patterns of all vessel morphological parameters were gradually increasing, except for vessel wall thickness and ratio of wall thickness to cavity were gradually decreasing; 3) the average proportions of fiber tissues, vessel tissues, wood ray tissues as well as longitudinal parenchyma were 54.8%, 16.5%, 27.6% and 1.1% respectively. From pith to bark, the proportion of fiber tissues was gradually increasing and that of vessel tissues was gradually decreasing, but the variation patterns of the proportions of wood ray tissues as well as longitudinal parenchyma were not significant; 4 ) the average microfibrillar angle was 8.4° and its radial variation was gradually decreasing from pith to bark; 5 ) the dividing line between juvenile wood and mature wood was the seventh year after planting.



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