西藏色季拉山急尖长苞冷杉林生态系统凋落物养分循环研究 被引量:6
Study on the nutrient cycling in the residues of forest ecosystem composed of Abies georgei var smithii in Sejila Mountain of Tibet
英文题名:Study on the nutrient cycling in the residues of forest ecosystem composed of Abies georgei var smithii in Sejila Mountain of Tibet
作者:孔庆云[1] 辛学兵[1] 潘刚[2]
外文期刊名:Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment
外文关键词:Tibet; fir forest (Abies georgei var smithii) debris; nutrient cycling
摘要:西藏森林是中国甚至是世界宝贵的绿色财富,具有丰富的动植物资源,对整个东南亚生态环境具有明显影响。为了有效保护和经营现有森林资源,足够的养分是维护森林生态系统健康与稳定的前提条件,凋落物养分含量高,在养分循环中具有重要的作用。2001年5月13日到8月19日在西藏色季拉山森林生态系统定位站急尖长苞冷杉(Abies georgei var smithii)原始林,6次采用标准地取样与实验室分析法,测定了冷杉地上、地下及林下倒木、枯立木养分含量及其变化,目的是揭示高山森林生态系统养分动态变化规律,为制定森林经营管理决策提供科学依据。研究表明:西藏色季拉山冷杉原始森林生态系统凋落物是养分循环的重要贮藏库,主要由地上凋落物、地下凋落物及倒木组成。不同月份、不同层次的地上凋落物分解速度有很大差异,其养分归还量、富集程度也有很大不同。与地上凋落物相比,地下凋落物中除Fe元素外,各元素的年归还量均较高,尤其是N、P、Mn元素。倒木养分元素总含量较少,以未腐倒木含量较高。
The forest in Tibet is the green treasure to China and even to the world. It is rich in animal and plant resources, and thus is one of the key forest regions and the ecology reserves in China. In order to protect and manage existing forest resources effectively, the sufficient nutrient is precondition for maintaining forest ecosystem wealth and stabilization. The residue is with much more nutrient content and plays an important role in nutrient cycling of ecosystem. In the virgin forest dominated by fir (Abies georgei vat smithii) at the Ecosystem Positioning Research Station in Sejila Mountain of Tibet, nutrient contents and their dynamic were measured by six times, in the over - ground litter, underground bio - residue, dead - and - down or dead - standing tree, respectively, by sample - plot survey method and laboratorial analysis from May 13 to August 19,2001. The goal of this study was to explore the dynamic nutrient law of alpine forest ecosystem and to provide the scientific foundation for decision - making of forest administration and management. It was showed that the residues are very important reserving banks in the nutrient cycling of virgin fir forest ecosystem in Sejila mountain of Tibet, which consists of above - ground litter and underground bio - residue and the dead - and - down tree. The rate of decomposition of the above - ground litter varies greatly within its stratification during months, resulting in much different amounts annually returned to soil and accumulated in the soil. In comparison with the above -ground litter, the amounts of elements in the underground bio - residue annually returned to soil are greater, especially N,P,Mn, with the exception of element Fe. The nutrient content in dead -and -down tree is generally less, of which un -decayed one is more.