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杞柳不同品种对铅的积累、耐性及叶片元素原位微区分布特征  ( EI收录)   被引量:7

Variations in Lead Accumulation and Tolerance in Different Varieties of Salix integra and in Situ Distribution of Elements in Leaves under Pb Stress



英文题名:Variations in Lead Accumulation and Tolerance in Different Varieties of Salix integra and in Situ Distribution of Elements in Leaves under Pb Stress

作者:王树凤[1,2] 施翔[1,2] 田生科[3] 孙海菁[1,2] 杨肖娥[3] 陈益泰[1] 刘婷[3]


通信作者:Sun, Haijing







外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae





外文关键词:Salix integra; lead; tolerance and accumulation; synchrotron radiation X-ray fluorescence


摘要:【目的】研究杞柳不同品种对重金属铅(Pb)的吸收、积累以及耐性差异,明确Pb在杞柳不同组织的积累特点、转移能力及其在叶片的微区分布特征,为阐明Pb的毒性机制以及杞柳在重金属污染土壤植物修复中的应用提供理论依据。【方法】采用水培方法,分别以0,100和200μmol·L^(-1) Pb(NO3)2处理杞柳微山湖、一枝笔和大红头3个品种扦插苗,研究铅对杞柳不同品种生长、生物量积累和重金属耐性的影响以及Pb在不同组织的积累和转移能力,并采用同步辐射-X-射线(SRXRF)荧光技术分析Pb以及K,Zn,Ca,Fe等其他元素在杞柳叶片的微区分布特征。【结果】Pb明显抑制了杞柳3个品种的苗高生长和生物量积累,而且,苗高生长随着处理浓度的增加明显的下降(P<0.05),而地上部和根部生物量在100和200μmol·L^(-1) Pb(NO3)2处理下的变化则不明显;杞柳3个品种在苗高和生物量积累方面均有差异,其中微山湖的苗高、地上部干质量以及根部干质量均优于其他2个品种。在100和200μmol·L^(-1) Pb处理下,供试3个品种对铅的耐性指数均在60%以上,说明杞柳对Pb具有的耐受性,微山湖耐性最强,其次为一枝笔,大红头的耐性指数最低。不同组织对Pb的积累量从高到低表现为:根>插条>枝条>叶。通过对不同组织Pb的转移系数研究发现,Pb向杞柳地上部不同组织的转移能力很低,特别是向新枝和叶片的转移极少,而向插条中的转移相对较多,说明杞柳体内的Pb大部分积累于根部,极少向地上部转运,转运到地上部的Pb倾向于储存在插条等生物活性较弱的组织中。SRXRF分析发现,Pb在杞柳叶片主要沿叶片的中脉分布,与Zn的分布类似,通过对叶片中不同元素的分布进行Pearson相关分析发现,Pb与K,Zn,Ca,Fe存在极显著的正相关,推测Pb在叶片的迁移可能与这几种营养元素的吸收有关。【结论】杞柳3个品种对Pb均具有较强的耐受性,根系可以固定高浓度的Pb,因此,杞柳可用于Pb污染土壤的植物固定化修复中;尽管杞柳不同品种对Pb的积累和耐性差异不明显,但在植物修复实践中,宜选择选择苗高生长和生物量积累较为优良的品种,如微山湖,以获得较为理想的植物修复效率。
【Objective】This study aimed to evaluate phytoremediation potential of different Salix integra varieties in the remediation of lead contaminated soils and to provide information for clarifying the Pb toxicity to willow trees. 【Method】To investigate the variation of Pb tolerance and accumulation in S. integra,ahydroponic experiment with three cultivated varieties of S. integra including Weishanhu,Yizhibi and Dahongtou was conducted and the seedlings were treated with three Pb concentrations( CK: 0 μmol·L^-1,T1: 100 μmol·L^-1,T2: 200 μmol·L^-1). 【Result】Compared to thecontrol,the height growth and biomass accumulation of seedlingsof all three varieties subjected to Pb treatments were inhibited significantly( P 0. 05). The seedling height growth showed a significant decrease with the increase of Pb concentration,whereas no significant changes were observed in the dry weight of the aboveground parts and the root with100 μmol·L^-1and 200 μmol·L^-1of Pb treatments. The Pb tolerance of the three varieties differed depending on the Pb concentration and the Pb accumulation varied in different organs. All three varieties showed high tolerance index( TI)under both Pb treatments,of which Weishanhu exhibited the highest TI,followed by Yizhibi,and Dahongtou had the lowest TI. The accumulation of Pb in different tissues was from high to low: root stem twig leaf. Based on the calculation of translocation factor( TF) for the aboveground tissues,an extremely low TF was found in wood,new shoots and leaves,indicating that Pb sequestration was mainly restricted in roots. The aboveground Pb was mainly reserved in stem. In this study,Pb and other mineral elements distribution in leaf tissues were also investigated by synchrotron radiation X-ray fluorescence analysis. The results indicated that Pb concentrations were detected in the middle vein of leaves,which was similar to the distribution of other ions,such as Zn and K. According to Pearson correlation analysis,the accumulation of Pb in leaves was positively related with K,Zn,Ca and Fe,indicating the translocation of Pb in leaves may be related to the uptake of these ions.【Conclusion】S. integra can tolerate and accumulate high levels of Pb in the root when exposed to different Pb concentrations,and there is no significant difference in the tolerance to Pb among the three varieties. However,as a good candidates for phytoremediation,Weishanhu exhibits better growth and biomass accumulation than the other two varieties,thus could be recommended for phytostablization of Pb in contaminated areas.



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