英文题名:Hydro-ecological Effects of Dendrocalamus latiflorus Stands
作者:谢锦忠[1] 傅懋毅[1] 马占兴[2] 肖贤坦[2] 黄品华[2]
外文期刊名:Forest Research
外文关键词:Dendrocalamus latiflorus; canopy interception; stem flow; runoff; hydro-ecological effects
摘要:在福建南靖连续4a对1995年春在杉木采伐迹地上营造的株行距为3m×4m、4m×5m和5m×6m3种密 度的麻竹试验林进行水文生态效应观测。结果分析表明:(1)麻竹林冠截持量与降水量和林分密度均呈正相关,而 秆茎流和林内降水量与降水量呈正相关,与林分密度呈负相关。密度为825丛·hm-2的麻竹林的年林冠平均截持 量和截持率为155.2 mm和14.61%,林内平均降水量和降水率为829.0 mm和78.11%,竹秆茎流量和茎流率为 77.3mm和7.31%。(2)麻竹林地表枯落物具有吸持其自身干质量2.8倍水量的潜在能力。(3)3种密度麻竹林的 0-60 cm土壤层最大潜在蓄水量为315.3-326.3 mm,略低于毛竹林367.9mm。(4)麻竹林地表径流和泥沙流 失量与降水量呈正线性相关,与林分密度呈负相关;竹林密度为825丛·hm-2的麻竹林年地表平均径流量、土壤侵 蚀模数是密度为330丛·hm-2的麻竹林的0.55、0.45倍,其NO3-、NH4+、PO43-、K+等养分年流失量则分别是密 度为330丛·hm-2的麻竹林的0.58、0.49、0.36、0.49倍。
Three experimental stands of Dendrocalamus latiflorus Munro with different planting space, such as 3 m × 4 m, 4 m × 5 m, and 5 m × 6 m, were established on cutover of Chinese fir, in Nanjing county, Fujian Province, where the hydro-ecological effects of D. latiflorus stand have been monitored continuously for 4 years. The results showed that : (1) The canopy rainfall interception of D. latiflorus stand had a positive relationship with both precipitation and stand density; both the throughfall and stem flow had a positive relationship with precipitation, and a negative relationship with stand density. In D. latiflorus stand with density of 825 clump · hm^-2, the canopy rainfall interception and its interception rate were 155.2 mm · year^-1 and 14. 61% ; the throughfall and its rate were 829.0 mm· year^-1 and 78.11% ; and the stem flow and its coefficient were 77.3 mm ·year^-1 and 7. 31%. (2) The litter of D. latiflorus stand had a potential ability to absorb water equaling to 2. 8 times of its own dry mass. (3)The potential maximum soil water storage of D. latiflorus stand with three stand densities was 315.3 -326.3 mm, which was less than that of Moso bamboo stands (367.9 mm). (4)Both the soil surface runoff and the sand loss of D. latiflorus stand had a positive relationship with precipitation and had a negative relationship with stand density. In D. latiflorus stand with density of 825 clump · hm^-2, the soil surface nmoff and soil erosion were 0. 55, 0. 45 times of that in D. latiflorus stand with density of 330 clump· hm^-2 respectively, and the loss of the main nutrients such as NO3^ -, NH4^+ , PO4^3- and K^+ were 0. 58, 0. 49, 0. 36 and 0. 49 times of that in D. latiflorus stand with density of 330 clump · hm^-2 respectively.