Molecular genetic variability ofJuglans regiaL. andJuglans sigillataD. as revealed by fluorescent amplified-fragment length polymorphism ( SCI-EXPANDED收录) 被引量:1
英文题名:Molecular genetic variability ofJuglans regiaL. andJuglans sigillataD. as revealed by fluorescent amplified-fragment length polymorphism
作者:Ma, Qing-guo[1] Zhang, Jun-pei[1] Pei, Dong[1]
通信作者:Pei, D[1]
机构:[1]Chinese Acad Forestry, State Key Lab Tree Genet & Breeding, Key Lab Tree Breeding & Cultivat Natl Forestry &, Res Inst Forestry, Beijing 100091, Peoples R China
基金:This study was supported by Open Fund of State Key Laboratory of Tree Genetics and Breeding (TGB2015008) and the Fundamental Research Funds of Chinese Academy of Forestry (CAFYBB2017ZA004-2).
外文关键词:Walnut; genetic relationship; genetic diversity; AFLP
摘要:Juglans regiaL. andJ. sigillataD. have a long cultivation history in China. With the purpose of detecting interspecific and intraspecific genetic variation, 35 clonal cultivars ofJ. regia,J. sigillata,J. sigillataxJ. regiaandJ.hopeiensisHu. (J. mandshuricaMaxim. xJ. regia) were selected from a broad geographic range and applied in amplified-fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis. Clear-cut AFLP profiles were produced using 9 EcoR I/Mse I primer combinations. As forJ. regia,J. sigillataand their hybrids, the percentages of polymorphic bands (PPBs) averaged 93.86%, 93.94% and 60.46%; the observed number of alleles (Na) averaged 1.5370, 1.6389 and 1.2593; the effective number of alleles (Ne) averaged 1.2582, 1.2543 and 1.1646; Nei's gene diversity (H) scored 0.1560, 0.1556 and 0.0951; Shannon's information index (I) averaged 0.2402, 0.2459 and 0.1414, respectively. These results implied a moderate level of genetic diversity within the investigated species. The total gene diversity (H-t= 0.1596) can be distributed into intra- (H-s= 0.1356) and inter- (D-st= 0.0240) species gene diversity. The proportion of the distributed genetic diversity among populations (G(st)) was 0.1505, indicating that only 15% of the total gene diversity was attributed to differences between species. The factorial correspondence analysis (FCA) and unweighted pair-group method of arithmetic averages (UPGMA) analysis revealed a close genetic distance between these two species.