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3株滨麦内生镰刀菌毒素积累及对北美枫香幼苗生长和耐盐性的影响     被引量:4

Toxin Accumulation of Three Leymus mollis-associated Endophytic Fusarium Isolates and Their Effects on Growth and Salt Tolerance of Liquidambar styraciflua Seedlings



英文题名:Toxin Accumulation of Three Leymus mollis-associated Endophytic Fusarium Isolates and Their Effects on Growth and Salt Tolerance of Liquidambar styraciflua Seedlings

作者:潘雪玉[1] 孙海菁[1] 袁志林[1]








外文期刊名:Forest Research





外文关键词:endophytic fungi;salt tolerance;symbiosis


摘要:[目的]探讨3株源于滨麦的内生镰刀菌对北美枫香幼苗生长和耐盐性的调控效应,为开发极端环境中内生菌资源应用于林木抗性育苗提供理论基础。[方法]结合形态学和分子系统学方法鉴定内生镰刀菌并体外检测其毒素种类及含量,建立内生镰刀菌与无菌北美枫香实生幼苗共培养体系;利用台盼蓝染色观察菌株在根系组织中形成的侵染结构;在正常和盐胁迫条件下,研究内生镰刀菌对幼苗生长和耐盐性的影响。[结果]3个菌株分别为黄色镰刀菌(Class2-1B)、假禾谷镰刀菌(Class2-1C)和1株未鉴定到种的镰刀菌(Class2-3)。与2株强毒力农作物病原镰刀菌相比,Class2-1B、Class2-1C产毒素类型和含量极少,而Class2-3能产生大量恩镰孢菌素。Class2-1B、Class2-1C菌丝能顺利进入根部皮层细胞并形成串珠状的膨大细胞,Class2-3菌丝几乎只在根表定殖。接种试验表明:Class2-1B、Class2-1C接种幼苗的生物量、株高、根长和叶片数等多数指标显著高于对照组(P <0. 05),而Class2-3对幼苗生长有明显的抑制和毒害作用。3个菌株孢子混合接种也对幼苗表现出一定的促生效应。在海盐溶液胁迫处理下,Class2-1B处理组幼苗盐害指数显著低于对照组(P <0. 05),但处理组幼苗叶绿素体色素含量与对照组相比并无显著差异。[结论]3株内生镰刀菌菌株对北美枫香幼苗生长和耐盐的调控存在显著差异,正负效应可能与镰刀菌产毒素类型及含量有密切关系。
[Objective]To evaluate the potential use of endophytes from extreme conditions as novel probiotics in improving salt tolerance of tree seedlings. [Method] The effects of three endophytic Fusarium isolates,recovering from the halophytic Leymus mollis,on the growth and salt tolerance of Liquidambar styraciflua seedlings were investigated. The three isolates were identified through morphological description and molecular phylogeny. In vitro toxin production of the endophytic Fusarium isolates were analyzed. The co-culturing system was used to investigate the binary interactions between gnotobiotic seedlings and Fusarium isolates under normal and saline conditions. Tissue staining method was applied to examine the fungal infection structures formed in roots. [Result]Two Fusarium isolates were identified to F. culmorum( Class2-1 B) and F. pseudograminearum( Class2-1 C),and the other one( Class2-3) was not currently identified to the species level. In comparison to two pathogenic Fusarium species,the Class2-1 B and Class2-1 C only produced very low level of several toxins,while the Class2-3 produced a large amount of enniatine. Both Class2-1 B and Class2-1 C exhibited an extensive colonization pattern in roots,but the hyphae of the Class2-3 seldom entered the inner root tissues and just distributed around the root surface. Inoculation experiment confirmed that the biomass,seedling height,root length and number of leaves in plants treated with either Class2-1 B or Class2-1 C were higher than the control group,although not all differences reached the significant level. In contrast,the plant growth was obvious inhibited in the presence of the Class2-3. Under salinity stress,it appeared that most seedlings inoculated with either the Class2-1 B or Class2-1 C were more salt tolerant,particularly for the Class2-1 B treatment,than the control and mixed inoculation groups as evidence by the salt injury index. However,the chlorophyll contents in all treatments did not differ significantly. [Conclusion] The degree of endophytic Fusarium-mediated plant growth and salt tolerance mainly depends on different Fusarium species. The result of the study,at least in part,demonstrates that the positive or negative effect of endophytic Fusarium on plants might be related to the type and content of the toxins they produced.



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