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Water Use Patterns of Populus deltoides and Taxodium distichum var.imbricatum in Freshwater Wetlands of Lixiahe Area,Jiangsu Province under Different Magnitudes of Precipitation



英文题名:Water Use Patterns of Populus deltoides and Taxodium distichum var.imbricatum in Freshwater Wetlands of Lixiahe Area,Jiangsu Province under Different Magnitudes of Precipitation

作者:左海军[1] 徐庆[1] 高德强[1] 张蓓蓓[1] 何冬梅[2] 张瑛[1] 任冉冉[1] 许文斌[1] 王磊[2]








外文期刊名:Terrestrial Ecosystem and Conservation




外文关键词:hydrogen stable isotope;freshwater wetland plantation;Populus deltoides;Taxodium distichum var.imbricatum;water use pattern


摘要:【目的】定量解析不同量级降水条件下江苏里下河地区2种典型淡水湿地人工林优势树种美洲黑杨(Populus deltoides)和池杉(Taxodium distichum var.imbricatum)的水分利用率及利用格局,为长三角淡水湿地森林植被恢复及水资源合理利用提供科学依据。【方法】利用氢稳定同位素技术,研究不同量级降水(9.3、19.5、29.2 mm)后美洲黑杨和池杉植物茎(木质部)水δD随采样时间的动态变化,比较分析其植物水与潜在水源(大气降水、雨前土壤水、浅层地下水等)的δD组成,确定这2个树种水分来源,并运用线性混合模型计算美洲黑杨和池杉对不同量级降水的利用率。【结果】美洲黑杨和池杉的植物水主要来源于大气降水和浅层地下水;降水量大小是影响植物水δD值以及植物水分利用率的主要因子。小雨(9.3 mm)后8天内,美洲黑杨对该次降水的利用率(2.4%~12.8%)高于池杉(0.5%~8.9%);中雨(19.5 mm)后8天内,美洲黑杨对该次降水的利用率(5.0%~19.0%)与池杉(4.6%~22.0%)接近;大雨(29.2 mm)后8天内,美洲黑杨对该次降水的利用率(30.3%~59.1%)高于池杉(32.8%~53.1%)。【结论】研究的3个不同量级降雨事件中,里下河地区淡水湿地人工林优势树种美洲黑杨在小雨(5 mm<降水量≤10 mm)和大雨(降水量>25 mm)事件中,对雨水利用率皆高于池杉,而在中雨(10 mm<降水量≤25 mm)事件中,美洲黑杨对雨水利用率与池杉接近。由此可见,美洲黑杨对降水格局变化具有较强的应对能力。建议今后在江苏里下河地区进行淡水湿地森林生态恢复过程中,可选择和合理配置具有不同水分利用特性的树种,尤其选择应对极端降水事件能力强的树种。研究结果可为我国长三角地区退化淡水湿地森林植被恢复、水资源优化管理和区域生态平衡维持等提供科学依据。
【Objective】The aim of this study is to quantitatively analyze the water use pattern of the dominant tree species of Populus deltoides and Taxodium distichum var.imbricatum in two typical freshwater wetland plantations under different magnitude of rainfall events in Lixiahe area of Jiangsu Province,so as to provide a theoretical basis for vegetation restoration and rational utilization of water resources in freshwater wetland forest in Yangtze River Delta region.【Method】Hydrogen stable isotope technique was used to explore the dynamics of xylem waterδD of P.deltoides and T.distichum var.imbricatum under different magnitudes of rainfall events(9.3,19.5,and 29.2 mm).Furthermore,theδD of xylem water and potential water sources(precipitation,soil water before rainfall and shallow groundwater,etc.)were analyzed to determine the water sources of the two tree species.Finally,the linear mixed model was employed to calculate the utilization rate of the two tree species to different magnitudes of rainfalls.【Result】Xylem water of P.deltoides and T.distichum var.imbricatum mainly stemmed from precipitation and shallow groundwater.The magnitude of precipitation was the main factor affecting the xylem waterδD and the water utilization rate of plants.Within 8 days after the light rain(9.3 mm),the utilization rate of P.deltoides(2.4%~12.8%)to light rain was higher than that of T.distichum var.imbricatum(0.5%~8.9%).Within 8 days after the moderate rain(19.5 mm),the utilization rate of P.deltoides(5.0%~19.0%)for this precipitation was close to that of T.distichum var.imbricatum(4.6%~22.0%).Within 8 days after the heavy rain(29.2 mm),the utilization rate of P.deltoides(30.3%~59.1%)for this precipitation was higher than that of T.distichum var.imbricatum(32.8%~53.1%).【Conclusion】Among the three magnitudes of rainfall events,the utilization rates of P.deltoides to light rain(5 mm25 mm)were higher than that of T.distichum var.imbricatum,while the utilization rate of P.deltoides to moderate rain(10 mm



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