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浙江省滨海湿地生态系统服务及其价值研究     被引量:34

Assessment of Ecosystem Services and Value of Coastal Wetlands in Zhejiang Province



英文题名:Assessment of Ecosystem Services and Value of Coastal Wetlands in Zhejiang Province

作者:王斌[1] 杨校生[1] 张彪[2] 张灿强[2] 杨艳刚[2] 魏斌[1] 格日乐图[1]








外文期刊名:Wetland Science





外文关键词:coastal wetlands; services; Zhejiang province


Assessment of ecosystem services of coastal wetlands has great significance for protection of ecological environment and integrated marine management.Because of its special geographical location,Zhejiang province possesses the abundant resources of coastal wetlands,provides the services of material production, environmental regulation and human society.Coastal wetlands in Zhejiang province is located in the middle of Chinese coastal zone and closed to East China Sea.The length of total coastal line is 6 486 km,of the mainland coastline is 1 840 km and the island coastline is 4 646 km.The total area of coastal wetlands is 5 742.54 km 2 , occupying 72.23%of the total area of wetlands in Zhejiang province.Based on survey data of the wetlands and the analysis about services and process of coastal wetland ecosystems in Zhejiang province,this paper assessed the services of coastal wetland ecosystems by some ecological economic valuation methods,such as market valuation,forestation cost,shadow project,pollution prevention cost and ecology value.The results showed that the marine aquaculture value of ecosystem services of the coastal wetlands was 87.022×10 8 yuan/yr, the coastal tourism value was 54.636×10 8 yuan/yr,the carbon sequestration and release oxygen value was 11.867×10 8 yuan/yr,the water purification value was 7.698×10 8 yuan/yr,the nutrient accumulation value was 4.526×10 8 yuan/yr,the coast protection value was 37.944×10 8 yuan/yr,the siltation promotion value was 5.829×10 8 yuan/yr,the providing habitats value was 0.861×10 8 yuan/yr;the total value was 210.383×10 8 yuan/yr, of which the direct use value was 141.658×10 8 yuan/yr,and indirect use value was 68.725×10 8 yuan/yr;the aquaculture value was the largest among the 8 kinds of services,accounting for 41.363%,followed by tourism and coast protection,accounting for 25.970%and 18.035%respectively.The average value of coastal wetland ecosystem services was 3.664 yuan/(m 2 ·yr).Due to the limitations of information,the paper only assessed value of 8 kinds of services of the coastal wetlands that could be calculated,and the value was far lower than its real value.The paper also improved some assessment methods of the services of coastal wetland ecosystems, but further researches are still required to test the rationality of evaluation methods and the accuracy of target parameter selection.The ecological environment deterioration of the coastal wetlands was a dynamic process. In order to understand the changes of ecosystem services and the impact of human activities and managements on the ecosystem services,continuously evaluation is needed.The paper is a preliminary estimation on the ecosystem services of coastal wetlands,and does not show clearly the interaction between water environmental degradation and social economic,which was currently the biggest limitation of researches about ecosystem services.Fully realization of the services and its value of coastal wetlands in Zhejiang province can provide the support of ecological and economic theories for management decision,which was important to establish the scientific marine values and sustainable development and adjust the behavior scale of utilization of coastal wetlands.



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