局域种库对云南干热河谷植物多样性的影响 被引量:1
Effects of Local Species Pool on Plant Diversity in Dry and Hot Valley of Yunnan Province
英文题名:Effects of Local Species Pool on Plant Diversity in Dry and Hot Valley of Yunnan Province
作者:刘方炎[1,2] 高成杰[1,2] 冯德枫[1,2] 李昆[1,2]
外文期刊名:Journal of West China Forestry Science
外文关键词:dry and hot valley;species pool hypothesis;ecological niches;local process;regional process
摘要:干热河谷植被是我国极为特殊的一种干旱植被类型。种库假说(species pool hypothesis)是生物多样性理论的重要发展,对揭示干热河谷植物群落构建、物种组成和多样性维持机理具有重要的理论和实践意义。本文利用种库假说的理论和方法,对金沙江干热河谷典型地段——元谋坝区不同类型植物群落实际种库和局域种库的组成特征进行了比较研究。结果显示:在局域种库中,种子植物属和种的数目最多的3个科均为禾本科、蝶形花科和菊科,热带分布的属占绝对优势;在实际种库中,大多数人工恢复植物群落在属和种的组成特征上均以单个科的植物(禾本科或蝶形花科)占绝对优势,受到局域过程,如竞争、捕食和环境变动(干扰)等因素的影响更加明显;天然次生植物群落和极少量人工恢复植物群落,在属和种的组成特征上呈现更加多元化的特点,除禾本科、蝶形花科和大戟科等植物占明显优势以外,唇形科、菊科和莎草科等植物也较为丰富,受到局域种库的显著影响;所有植物群落的实际种库在植物区系特征上均与局域种库呈显著相关。研究结果表明:尽管不同立地条件下植物群落的实际种库与局域种库之间的相关性存在差异,但实际种库的大小主要还是由局域种库决定的;因此,实现区域内退化植物群落的生态恢复和生物多样性保护需要准确估算局域种库的大小。
The dry and hot valley vegetation is a very special type of arid vegetation in China.Species pool hypothesis is an important development of biodiversity theory,which has important theoretical and practical significance for revealing the mechanism of plant community construction,species composition and diversity maintenance in dry and hot valleys.In this paper,we have summarized the survey and monitoring data on the species composition and diversity of the shrub-grass layer of the main plant community in Yuanmou county,a typical section of the dry and hot valley in Jinsha River,and a comparative study of the local species pool and the actual species pools of different types of plant communities was carried out based on the theory and methods of the seed bank hypothesis,combining with the research results of relevant scholars over the years.The results showed that,the three families with the largest number of genera and species of seed plants in the local species pool are Gramineae,Papilionaceae,and Compositae,and tropical genera are dominant.In the actual species pool,most of the artificially restored plant communities are dominated by single family plants(Gramineae or Papilionaceae)in the composition characteristics of genus and species,and are more affected by local processes,such as competition,predation and environmental change(interference);Natural secondary plant communities and a very small number of artificially restored plant communities show more diversified characteristics in the composition of genus and species.Besides the obvious advantages of Gramineae,Papilionaceae and Euphorbiaceae,Lamiaceae,Compositae and Cyperaceae are also abundant in these communities and are significantly affected by the local species pool.The floristic characteristics of the actual species pool of all plant communities were significantly correlated with the local species pool.Although the relationship between the actual species pool and the local species pool of plant communities under different site conditions is different,the size of the actual species pool is mainly determined by the local species pool.Therefore,it is necessary to accurately estimate the size of local species pool for ecological restoration and biodiversity protection of degraded communities in the region,which depends on the comprehensive investigation of plant communities.