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干旱沙区人工固沙植被演变过程中土壤有机碳氮储量及其分布特征     被引量:25

Storages and Distributed Patterns of Soil Organic Carbon and Total Nitrogen During the Succession of Artificial Sand-Binding Vegetation in Arid Desert Ecosystem



英文题名:Storages and Distributed Patterns of Soil Organic Carbon and Total Nitrogen During the Succession of Artificial Sand-Binding Vegetation in Arid Desert Ecosystem

作者:贾晓红[1,2] 李新荣[1] 周玉燕[1] 李元寿[3]








外文期刊名:Environmental Science





外文关键词:arid desert; artificial vegetation of banding sand; soil organic carbon(SOC); total nitrogen(TN); storage


摘要:通过测定干旱沙区不同年代人工植被固沙区土壤剖面1 m深度容重和有机碳、全氮含量,估算了人工固沙植被演变过程中土壤有机碳和全氮储量特征及其垂直分布格局.研究表明,干旱沙区人工固沙植被演变过程中,0~100 cm深土壤有机碳和全氮储量均呈增加趋势;有机碳氮储量表现出了固沙初期的显著增加期(<16 a),随后的缓慢增加积累期(16~25 a),及后期的显著增加期(>25 a),该变化趋势主要体现在0~20 cm的表层.土壤有机碳氮储量增加程度随深度增加有降低趋势,并且表层土壤(0~20 cm)有机碳和全氮储量远大于深层土壤(20~100 cm);固沙初期土壤有机碳和全氮储量的增加体现在0~100 cm各个深度,而随后积累期主要体现在0~20 cm深度,固沙后期的增加也主要在0~20 cm深度,20 cm以下增加不明显;0~100 cm深土壤有机碳氮储量表聚性随固沙植被演变越来越明显.明确了降水<200 mm的沙区人工固沙过程中植被和土壤特征的改变对土壤有机碳氮储量及分布特征的影响,为更好地理解干旱人工植被区的碳循环特征和预测该生态系统与气候变化间的反馈关系奠定了基础.
Soil carbon pool acts as the largest one of carbon pools in the terrestrial ecosystem.The storages and distributed patterns of soil organic carbon(SOC) and total nitrogen(TN) evaluated accurately are helpful to predict the feedback between the terrestrial ecosystem and climate changes.Based on the data about bulk density,content of SOC and TN at 0-100 cm soil profile,the density of SOC and TN at the temporal(chronosequence of artificial vegetation) and spatial(vertical) distributed patterns have been estimated.The results indicated that storages of SOC and TN at 0-100 cm depth increased with the chronosequence of artificial vegetation.The storages of SOC and TN showed the same tendency with the succession time of artificial vegetation.Storages of SOC and TN significantly increased at the early stage of banding sand by artificially vegetation(16 a),then piled up at the mid-stage(16-25 a),and markedly increased at the late stage(25 a).The variation of storages mainly occurred in the 0-20 cm depth.The storages decreased with the soil vertical depth.At the early stage of banding sand,increase in storage included every depth(0-100 cm).Whereas,at the later stage,increase in storage at 0-20 cm depth was main,and increase in the 20-100 cm was inconspicuous.The accumulation of storage at the shallow soil depth was more notability with the succession of artificial vegetation.The distributed pattern of storage in SOC and TN has been confirmed in arid desert regions below 200 mm annual precipitation.This was beneficial to understand the carbon cycle and to predict the feedback relationship between desert ecosystem and climate changes.



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