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京西油松混交林枯立木空间结构特征     被引量:4

Spatial structure of standing dead trees in Pinus tabuliformis mixed forest in western Beijing



英文题名:Spatial structure of standing dead trees in Pinus tabuliformis mixed forest in western Beijing

作者:张连金[1] 王天罡[2] 封焕英[1] 杜满义[1] 赖光辉[3] 辛学兵[1] 孔庆云[1]








外文期刊名:Chinese Journal of Ecology





外文关键词:Pinus tabuliformis mixed forest;standing dead tree;tree species composition;diameter structure;spatial structural parameter;bivariate distribution


摘要:枯立木是森林生态系统的重要组成部分,对森林生态系统的稳定和发展具有重要的作用。以京西1.08 hm^2油松混交林样地调查数据为基础,从树种组成、径级结构、树高结构和空间结构参数的一元与二元分布等方面分析了枯立木的空间结构特征。结果表明:样地内有枯立木191株,密度约为177株·hm^(-2),优势科为松科,占枯立木的64%,且华北落叶松占有较大优势;径级结构呈倒"J"型,以小径阶为主,集中分布在11 cm以下;树高结构则呈单峰分布,幅度较窄;华北落叶松、北京丁香和油松分布于大部分径级和树高级;枯立木总体呈现随机分布状态,大小分化较为明显,种间混交较弱,且周边绝大部分是活立木,华北落叶松、油松、北京丁香和山杏的结构特征与整体大致相同;多数枯立木处于低度混交和劣势状态,其周围均为同种或只有1株为其他种;约有1/2的枯立木呈随机分布,大部分都处于劣势状态,且其周围大多是相同树种的活立木;不同优势度的枯立木有不同的概率,但劣势木多于优势木。油松混交林枯立木的空间结构特征反映了密度制约下的林木种内竞争是枯立木形成的主要原因,本研究结果为该区针阔混交林的保护与可持续经营提供科学依据。
Standing dead trees are an important component of forest ecosystems,with a critical role in the stability and development of forest ecosystems.Based on survey data of a 1.08 hm2 plot in Pinus tabuliformis mixed forest in western Beijing,the spatial structure of standing dead trees was analyzed,including tree species composition,diameter structure,height structure,univariate and bivariate distribution of spatial structure parameters.There were 191 standing dead trees,with a density of about 177 stems·hm-2.Pinaceae,which accounted for 64%of standing dead trees,was the dominant family.Larix principis-rupprechtii is the dominant species.The diameter distribution was an inverted'J'type,dominated by small trees with diameter less than 11 cm.The tree height distribution presented as unimodal with a narrow range.L.principis-rupprechtii,Syringa pekinensis and P.tabuliformis distributed in most diameter and height classes.The standing dead trees were generally in a state of random distribution with significant size differentiation and low mingling,and they were mostly surrounded by living trees.The structural characteristics of L.principis-rupprechtii,P.tabuliformis,S.pekinensis and Armeniaca sibirica were roughly similar to the overall pattern.Most standing dead trees,which were surrounded by the same species or only one other species,were in a state of low mingling and disadvantage.About half of standing dead trees showed a random distribution,and most of them were at a disadvantage status and their surroundings were mostly living trees of the same species.There were different frequencies of standing dead trees with different dominance,but the number of non-dominant trees was higher than that of dominant trees.The spatial structure of standing dead trees in P.tabuliformis mixed forest reflected that intraspecific competition under density restriction was the main reason for the formation of standing dead trees.Our results would provide scientific basis for the protection and sustainable management of coniferous-broadleaved mixed forest.



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