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Properties enhancement of poly(?-hydroxybutyrate) biocomposites by incorporating surface-modified wheat straw flour: Effect of pretreatment methods  ( SCI-EXPANDED收录)   被引量:4


英文题名:Properties enhancement of poly(?-hydroxybutyrate) biocomposites by incorporating surface-modified wheat straw flour: Effect of pretreatment methods

作者:Song, Wei[1,2,3] Yang, Zexun[2] Zhang, Shuangbao[2] Fei, Benhua[1] Zhao, Rongjun[3]

第一作者:Song, Wei

通信作者:Song, W[1];Fei, BH[1];Song, W[2];Zhang, SB[2];Song, W[3];Zhao, RJ[3]

机构:[1]Int Ctr Bamboo & Rattan, Key Lab Natl Forestry & Grassland Adm Beijing Bamb, Beijing 100102, Peoples R China;[2]Beijing Forestry Univ, Beijing Key Lab Wood Sci & Engn, MOE Key Lab Wooden Mat Sci & Applicat, Beijing 100083, Peoples R China;[3]Chinese Acad Forestry, Res Inst Wood Ind, Beijing 100091, Peoples R China





基金:This work was supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (32171707, 32230072) , Beijing Natural Science Foundation (6202024) , and Science & Technology Research and Development Program of Guizhou Forestry Administration for Rural Industrial Revolution and Characteristic Forestry Industry (GZMC-ZD20202112) .


外文关键词:Poly(?-hydroxybutyrate); Wheat straw flour; Interfacial bonding

摘要:Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) biocomposites filled with wheat straw flour (WSF) were enhanced through modifying WSF surface by pretreatments, i.e., alkali solution (NaOH 1-7 wt%) dipping, (3-aminopropyl)trie-thoxysilane solution (APTES 0.5-2 wt%) soaking, or NaOH+APTES synergistic impregnation. The WSF was characterized by microscopy, spectroscopy, diffractometry, thermogravimetry, and wetting. Through different levels of surface etching effect or grafting functional groups, all the pretreatments removed unstable, amorphous substances on WSF, obtaining higher crystallinity by 2-12 %, degradation temperature by 57-83 degrees C, and lower water contact angle by 7-24 degrees. Compression-molded WSF/PHB biocomposites were examined by mechanical tests, microscopy (fracture morphology), water absorption, calorimetry, and thermogravimetry. Above pre -treatments boosted mechanical-, moisture-, and heat-resistances of composites, owing to stronger interfacial interaction of PHB with surface-modified WSF, and the improved physicochemical properties of WSF itself. Alkali treatment worked better in raising mechanical, waterproof behaviors, while silane induced higher temperature for phase transition, decomposition. Enhancement achieved by alkali+silane could surpassed both single treatments. The best outcome occurred in 3 wt% NaOH + 0.5 wt% APTES, which increased strength (flexural, tensile, and impact), modulus (flexural, tensile) by 22-40 % and 14-23 %, respectively, decreased 300 h-water absorption by 18 %, and rose melting, degradation temperatures by 2 and 23 degrees C, respectively, showing new potential for construction-related application.



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