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毛竹林土壤呼吸及组分对氮磷添加的非对等响应  ( EI收录)  

Asymmetric Response of Soil Respiration and Its Components to Nitrogen and Phosphorus Addition in Phyllostachys edulis Forest



英文题名:Asymmetric Response of Soil Respiration and Its Components to Nitrogen and Phosphorus Addition in Phyllostachys edulis Forest

作者:王一[1,2] 栾军伟[1] 陈琛[3] 刘世荣[4]








外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae





外文关键词:Phyllostachys edulis;soil autotrophic respiration;soil heterotrophic respiration;N and P addition;asymmetric response


摘要:【目的】探究毛竹林土壤呼吸及组分对氮添加、磷添加及其二者交互效应的响应差异,揭示生物和非生物因子在调控土壤呼吸中的作用,为评价养分添加影响毛竹林土壤碳排放过程及模型预测提供科学依据。【方法】以缺磷型毛竹林为对象,2017年6月采用林下喷施方式隔月进行氮(10 g·m^(-2)a^(-1))和磷(10 g·m^(-2)a^(-1))添加,设置对照(CK)、单一氮添加(N)、单一磷添加(P)和氮磷共添加(N+P)4个处理,2017年9月—2018年8月采用Li-8100土壤碳通量系统测量土壤总呼吸速率和异养呼吸速率,并测定土壤温度(T)、湿度(SM)、细根和土壤化学性质、细根生物量及土壤微生物特征。【结果】氮磷添加均未改变毛竹细根生物量,对土壤自养呼吸速率无显著影响,氮添加显著增加土壤可利用氮含量、磷添加降低土壤真菌和细菌生物量比值分别是氮磷添加抑制土壤异养呼吸速率的主要原因。氮磷添加对土壤自养呼吸速率和异养呼吸速率均存在交互作用。氮磷添加的交互效应对土壤总呼吸速率无显著影响,但磷添加显著增加土壤总呼吸速率。模型R=aebT×SMc可较好解释T和SM与R的协同变异,P处理降低T和SM调控R的决定系数。N、P和N+P处理降低土壤总呼吸Q10(CK=2.64、N=2.54、P=2.10、N+P=2.39)和土壤异养呼吸Q10(CK=2.32、N=2.03、P=1.94、N+P=1.75),但N和N+P处理增加土壤自养呼吸Q10(CK=2.80、N=2.95、P=2.44、N+P=4.35)。【结论】缺磷型毛竹林土壤自养呼吸速率和异养呼吸速率对氮磷添加主效应及二者交互效应存在非对等响应,预测未来毛竹林土壤碳排放时应充分考虑土壤自养呼吸和异养呼吸对氮、磷添加响应的差异性。
【Objective】In this study,a field experiment was set up to explore the response of soil respiration rates(R)and its components to nitrogen(N),phosphorus(P)addition and their interaction,and this study aimed to reveal the role of biotic and abiotic factors in regulating R and provide a scientific basis for the carbon cycling and model prediction of nutrient addition in Phyllostachys edulis forest ecosystem.【Method】Nitrogen and phosphorus were added every two months by spraying them under the canopy in a phosphorus deficient bamboo forest from June 2017.Four treatments were conducted,including control(CK),nitrogen addition(N),phosphorus addition(P)and nitrogen and phosphorus addition together(N+P).Soil total respiration rates and soil heterotrophic respiration rates were measured with Li-8100 from September 2017 to August 2018.At the same time,the soil temperature(T),soil moisture(SM),fine root and soil properties,fine root biomass and soil microbial properties were measured.【Result】Both nitrogen and phosphorus addition did not significantly change fine root biomass of Ph.edulis,and thus had no significant impact on soil autotrophic respiration rate.However,nitrogen and phosphorus addition significantly decreased soil heterotrophic respiration rate,which were attributed to the increment of soil availability nitrogen content by nitrogen addition and decline of ratio of fungi biomass to bacteria biomass by phosphorus,respectively.The nitrogen and phosphorus addition had significant interactive effect on soil autotrophic and heterotrophic respiration rates.The phosphorus addition significantly increased the soil total respiration rate,while N addition as well as interactive effect of N addition and P addition did not significantly affect the soil total respiration rate.The model(R=aebT×SMc)was able to explain the synergistic variation of T and SM in regulating R.P treatment reduced the determined coefficient of T and SM in regulating R.N,P and N+P treatments significantly reduced temperature sensitivity of soil total respiration(CK=2.64,N=2.54,P=2.10,N+P=2.39)and soil heterotrophic respiration(CK=2.32,N=2.03,P=1.94,N+P=1.75),but increased temperature sensitivity of soil autotrophic respiration(CK=2.80,N=2.95,P=2.44,N+P=4.35).【Conclusion】The soil autotrophic respiration and heterotrophic respiration of phosphorus deficient Ph.edulis forest have asymmetrical responses to N and P addition and their interaction,and the different responses to nutrient addition should be fully considered when predicting soil carbon emission of P deficient Ph.edulis forest in the future.



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