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基于多环境因子条件下老鼠簕的生长适应性     被引量:1

Growth adaptability of Acanthus ilicifolius based on multiple environmental factors



英文题名:Growth adaptability of Acanthus ilicifolius based on multiple environmental factors

作者:黄源欣[1,2] 辛琨[1] 熊燕梅[1] 张韫[1] 姜仲茂[1] 丁功桃[3] 廖宝文[1]








外文期刊名:Journal of Central South University of Forestry & Technology





外文关键词:orthogonal design;Acanthus ilicifolius;environmental factors;plants height;plants base diameter;growth prediction


摘要:【目的】基于前人研究得出的适合老鼠簕生长的环境因子变量,研究老鼠簕在多环境因子交互作用下的生长适应性。【方法】分别模拟在盐度2.5‰、5.0‰、7.5‰,光照强度30%、45%、60%,潮汐时间3、9、15 h的环境条件下对老鼠簕幼苗进行正交设计栽培,揭示不同环境下老鼠簕的生长状况以及土壤理化性质对老鼠簕生长的影响。【结果】1)老鼠簕株高在正交设计下得出的主次顺序为光照强度(%)>淹水时间(h)>盐度(‰)。在环境条件为9 h淹水时间、盐度为5‰和7.5‰、光照强度为45%的情况下最高。2)老鼠簕基径在正交设计下得出的主次顺序为淹水时间(h)>盐度(‰)>光照强度(%)。在环境条件为9 h淹水时间、盐度为7.5‰、光照强度为30%的情况下最粗。3)土壤中氮、磷成分和p H值对老鼠簕的生长影响显著(显著性水平)。【结论】光照是影响老鼠簕株高生长的主要因素,淹水时间次之,淹水时间和光照强度对老鼠簕的基径生长有显著差异,但其仍能在较低光照下正常生长,说明红树植物老鼠簕属于一般耐淹浸、不耐盐以及有较强耐阴性的红树植物,且土壤中氮磷成分和pH值对老鼠簕的生长影响显著。本研究结果可以佐证近年来珠三角区域老鼠簕过度生长的原因有可能是无瓣海桑等高大真红树乔木大量生长所创造出空旷的林缘和林窗环境以及珠三角水域中氮磷含量的增加,进而导致红树林土壤中氮、磷含量上升,加速了老鼠簕的生长。
【Objective】Based on the suitable environmental variables for the growth of Acanthus ilicifolius,which were obtained from previous studies,this study investigated the growth adaptability of A.ilicifolius under the interaction of multiple environmental factors.【Method】The comprehensive orthogonal design was simulated for the cultivation of A.ilicifolius under conditions of a salinity concentration of 2.5‰,5.0‰and 7.5‰,a light intensity of 30%,45%and 60%,and a duration time of 3h,9h,and 15h,to reveal the effect of different conditions and soil physicochemical properties on the growth of A.ilicifolius seedlings.【Result】(1)In the orthogonal design,the order of the plant height of A.ilicifolius was as follows:light intensity(%)>flooding time(h)>salinity(‰),and the highest value was obtained under the condition of a flooding time of 9h,a salinity concentration of 5‰and 7.5‰,and a light intensity of 45%.(2)In the orthogonal design,the order of the branch diameter of A.ilicifolius was as follows:flooding time(h)>salinity(‰)>light intensity(%).The branch was the coarsest under the condition of a flooding time of 9 h,a salinity concentration of 7.5‰and a light intensity of 30%.(3)Soil nitrogen,phosphorus and pH had significant effects on the growth of A.ilicifolius.【Conclusion】Light is the main factor affecting the height growth of A.ilicifolius,followed by flooding time.Flooding time and light intensity had significant effects on the basal diameter growth of A.ilicifolius.However,A.ilicifolius exhibited normal growth under low light conditions,indicating that A.ilicifolius belongs to a mangrove plant with general submergence tolerance,salt intolerance and strong shadow tolerance,and that the nitrogen and phosphorus contents and pH values in the soil have a significant effect on its growth.The results of this study can confirm that the excessive growth of A.ilicifolius in the Pearl River Delta region in recent years may be caused by the open forest margin and forest window environment created by the massive growth of tall mangrove trees such as Sonneratia apetala,as well as the increase of nitrogen and phosphorus contents in the Pearl River Delta region,which further resulted in the increase of nitrogen and phosphorus contents in the mangrove soil,and accelerated the growth of A.ilicifolius.



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