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小陇山锐齿栎天然林结构动态分析     被引量:9

Structure Dynamic of Quercus aliena var. acuteserrata Natural Forest on Xiaolongshan



英文题名:Structure Dynamic of Quercus aliena var. acuteserrata Natural Forest on Xiaolongshan

作者:赵中华[1] 刘文桢[2] 石小龙[2] 李安民[2] 郭小龙[2] 张弓乔[1] 惠刚盈[1]








外文期刊名:Forest Research





外文关键词:Xiaolongshan ; Quercus aliena var. acuteserrata ; natural forest ; structure dynamics


Xiaolongshan forest area of the West Qinling Mountains, China, is an important natural forest system in northwest China. The zonal vegetation type of the area is pine-oak mixed forest. The structure of a Quercus aliena var. acuteserrata natural forest established in 2007 in the Wangangou forest range, Baihua Forest Farm, Xiaolongs- han forest area, Gansu Province, was reexamined in 2013 via fixed sampling of individual trees and their positions. The dynamic characteristics of the community were analyzed in terms of species composition, diversity, and stand structure. No significant changes were observed in either community species composition or the order of importance values of dominant tree species. However, two rare species had exited the community, and 40 trees had died, resul- ting in a mortality rate of 8.3%. The species richness of overstory layer, tree species spatial diversity, and the number of individual species in the community all deereased from 2007 to 2013, whereas the concentration of domi- nant tree species increased. The spatial structure of the stand did not change significantly, the distribution pattern of trees in the community remained random, and the abundance of individuals in the intermediate and upper layers in- creased. The vertical structure of the community a typical reverse J-shaped distribution to a single peak curve skewed to the left. The spatial structure of became more complex, and the segregation of tree species decreased. The dominance of the constructive species, Q. var. acuteserrata, and its main associated tree species increased, whereas the dominance of pioneer tree species decreased. skewed to the left. The spatial structure of became more complex, and the segregation of tree species decreased. The dominance of the constructive species, Q. var. acuteserrata, and its main associated tree species increased, whereas the dominance of pioneer tree species decreased.



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