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茂县土地岭植被恢复过程中物种多样性动态特征     被引量:70

Dynamics of species diversity in vegetation restoration on Tudiling of Mao County, Southwest China



英文题名:Dynamics of species diversity in vegetation restoration on Tudiling of Mao County, Southwest China

作者:王永健[1] 陶建平[1] 张炜银[2] 臧润国[2] 王微[1] 李宗峰[1] 李媛[1]








外文期刊名:Acta Ecologica Sinica





外文关键词:Tudiling; vegetation restoration ; species diversity ; regeneration style ; disturbance intensity


The composition and species diversity in the process of vegetation restoration on Tudiling of Mao County in the upper reaches of Minjiang River were investigated through sampling method. 54 plots were selected based on the different regeneration styles(natural regeneration and artificial restoration)and disturbance intensity. The undisturbed, slightly disturbed, moderately disturbed and highly disturbed types were identified on the basis of canopy cover, disturbance traces and slope. A total of 242 plant species representing 148 genera and 61 families were recorded at all plots. Rosaceae, Compositae, Caprifoliaceae, Liliaceae and Ranunculaceae were the dominant families on Tudiling. By means of TWINSPAN and disturbance identification, vegetation could be divided into 6 major types (2 natural communities and 4 artificial communities accounting for different anthropogenic disturbances, respectively). Obviously, differences in composition and species diversity of 6 communities reflected the adaptation to different anthropogenic disturbances and habitats respectively. Vegetation layers were more distinct and species diversity and evenness were higher in forest than in shrub communities. Species richness and Shannon-Wiener index in artificial communities markedly decreased as the intensity of disturbance increased. The decline of shrub layer richness and cover with disturbance intensity was higher than that of herb layer. Richness of species tolerant of heavy disturbance, such as annuals and geophytes, had increased, while the richness of large palatable species had decreased. Heavy disturbance resulted in low diversity and inhibited regeneration by decreasing tree species had saplings. The cover of upper layer had a negative effect on species richness and cover of low layer except highly disturbed and steep slope communities. Species diversity was higher in artificial undisturbed community than in natural undisturbed community, and slightly disturbed forest had the highest species diversity. In comparison with artificial undisturbed community on Lannigou, species diversity and richness were higher on Tudiling due to high diverse mixed species for restoration and Pinus armandii might trigger the process of vegetation succession by shortening regeneration time. Therefore, variation in species richness and species diversity is related to human interference and there is a need for conservation in the process of vegetation restoration. High diverse mixed species in restoration and avoiding strong disturbance in this region can accelerate succession and maintain high species richness and diversity.



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