不同生境、初植密度及林龄木荷人工林生长、材性变异及林分分化 被引量:31
Variation in Growth and Wood Property and the Structure Differentiation of Schima superba Plantation with Different Sites,Stand Densities and Ages
英文题名:Variation in Growth and Wood Property and the Structure Differentiation of Schima superba Plantation with Different Sites,Stand Densities and Ages
作者:楚秀丽[1] 王艺[1] 金国庆[1] 范辉华[2] 周志春[1]
外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae
外文关键词:Schima superba;plantation;growth;wood basic density;diameter distribution
摘要:木荷( Schima superba)为山茶科( Teaceae)木荷属( Schima)常绿阔叶大乔木,为我国亚热带地带性常绿阔叶林主要建群、高效生态树种及生物防火林带建设的主栽树种,被列为我国南方重要珍贵优质阔叶用材造林树种之一(阮传成等,1995)。因其适应性强、速生丰产性高、材质优异及育苗容易、造林成效好等特点,自20世纪60年代以来,福建和广东等南方省区已营建了上万公顷的木荷人工林,但受地理气候因子、立地条件和营林措施等不同因素影响,各地木荷人工造林的成效差异显著。
In this paper,the growth,wood basic density,diameter distribution and structure stability of Schima superba plantation were investigated in 12 sample plots with different biotopes,operating measures and ages in Nanping and Sanming city of Fujian province. Results showed that,the average tree height,diameter at breast height ( DBH ) and individual volume of stand in shady slope were significantly larger than that of plantation in sunny slope; The tree growth, especially in DBH and individual volume of stand,in lowerslope was obviously greater than that in the middleslope and the upperslope; The average tree height of the stand increased with initial planting density; However,DBH and individual volume displayed converse trend with increase of planting density; Growth of the plantation gradually increased with stand age; Average individual volume of trees at 29 age was over 4 times greater than of trees at 13 age,and the 46-year-old stand still grew fast. There were no significant differences in wood basic density between different aspects of slope;However,the wood basic density in upperslope was significantly greater than that in middleslope and lowerslope;The wood basic density was relatively greater when the initial spacing was set at 1 667 plants per hectare; The greater or less stand density significantly reduced the wood basic density and hence wood properties; Wood basic density progressively reduced with the forest age and the varied pattern met with the variation type of Pashin Ⅲ. Differentiation in height and diameter growth and wood basic density of the plantations with the same age in the same direction and position of slope was relatively small. But the initial stand density obviously affected growth. The smaller the initial planting density the greater the variation in diameter was. The diameter distribution of S. superba plantation in different habitats ( slope,position of slope) ,with forest management measures ( initial stem-numbers) and ages was well fitted to the cumulative distribution function of Weibull distribution;The diameter distribution exhibited a reverse"J"type,suggesting the stands had a stable structure with reasonable competition and strong adaptability. The class Ⅱ and Ⅲ were the main trees in the stands according to tree classification,which also lent support that the structure of the plantations was stable. Thus,a suitable site and stand density should be selected according to the goal of cultivation. For example,forestation for large diameter of S. superba the plantation should be conducted on the shady slopes,lowerslopes and initial planting density should be 1 667 stems per hectare. Although the structure differentiation of the plantation is not obvious,appropriate thinning and density control should be applied for large diameter timber.