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科尔沁沙地植物群落物种多样性及其主要影响因素     被引量:13

Species diversity of plant communities and its main influencing factors in Horqin Sandy Land, Inner Mongolia of northern China



英文题名:Species diversity of plant communities and its main influencing factors in Horqin Sandy Land, Inner Mongolia of northern China

作者:陈晨[1] 王寅[1] 王健铭[1] 杨欢[1] 王雨辰[1] 徐超[1] 李景文[1] 褚建民[2]







外文期刊名:Journal of Beijing Forestry University





外文关键词:Horqin Sandy Land;α diversity;β diversity;γ diversity;grazing disturbance;environmental factor


摘要:【目的】科尔沁沙地地处我国北方农牧交错带,其植物多样性组成与格局对人为干扰及其导致的环境因子变化极其敏感。近年来,科尔沁地区农牧业发展迅速,人为干扰对自然植被的影响不断加大,但是探讨放牧干扰与环境因子对植物群落不同水平物种多样性相对影响的研究还比较缺乏。【方法】本研究基于44个调查点,放牧干扰数据以及环境数据,通过单因素方差分析、一元线性回归、多项式回归和方差分解等方法,分析科尔沁沙地植物群落α、β、γ多样性分布特征及其主要影响因素。【结果】(1)群落α、β、γ多样性均随放牧强度的增加而逐渐下降,不同放牧强度之间均存在显著差异(P <0.05),重度放牧下群落α、β、γ多样性均显著低于围封区(P <0.05),在围封区达到最高。(2)群落α多样性与放牧强度和最热月均温呈极显著负相关关系(P <0.01),与气温日较差、土壤有机碳和土壤全磷含量呈极显著的正相关关系(P <0.01),随年均降水量的增加而呈显著的先减后增的变化趋势(P <0.05),并随着最冷月均温和土壤全氮含量的增加呈显著的先增后减的变化趋势(P <0.05)。群落β多样性与放牧强度、潜在蒸散量和最冷月均温呈显著的负相关关系(P <0.05),并与年均降水量呈显著的正相关关系(P <0.05)。群落γ多样性与放牧强度呈极显著的负相关关系(P <0.001),与土壤有机碳和土壤全氮含量呈极显著的正相关关系(P <0.01)。(3)放牧干扰是群落α和β多样性的主要影响因素,放牧干扰与土壤因子的协同作用是群落γ多样性的主要影响因素。【结论】放牧干扰对科尔沁沙地植物群落不同水平物种多样性起着关键作用。因此需要制定科学的放牧管理制度、加强监管力度,对严重退化的区域实行围封禁牧,在降低放牧强度的同时打击偷牧行为,能够有效促进科尔沁沙地植物多样性保护和退化生态系统自然恢复。
[Objective] The Horqin Sandy Land is located in agro-pastoral ecotone of northern China, and its species composition and diversity patterns are quite vulnerable to the changes of human disturbance and environmental factors. Because of the fast development of agriculture and animal husbandry industry in recent years, human disturbance has become an essential role in the Horqin Sandy Land. However, further systematic studies are needed to understand the relative influence of grazing disturbance and environmental factors on the α, β and γ diversity of plant communities in the Horqin Sandy Land. [Method] The grazing disturbance data and environmental data of 44 sampling points were used to study the distribution characteristics of the α, β and γ diversity of plant communities and their main influencing factors in the Horqin Sandy Land by one-way ANOVA, simple linear regression analysis, polynomial regression analysis,and variance decomposition. [Result](1) The α, β and γ diversity of plant communities declined as grazing intensity increased, and the peak species diversity appeared under grazing exclusion. There was a significant difference in the α, β and γ diversity of plant communities among different grazing intensities(P <0.05). The α, β and γ diversity under heavy grazing intensity were significantly lower than that under grazing exclusion(P < 0.05).(2) The α diversity of plant communities had a significantly negative correlation with grazing intensity and mean temperature of the hotest month(P < 0.01), and a positive correlation with mean diurnal range, soil organic carbon and soil total phosphorus(P < 0.01);it had a significant U-shaped relationship with mean annual precipitation, and a hump-shaped relationship with mean temperature of the coldest month and soil total nitrogen(P < 0.05). The β diversity of plant communities had a significantly negative correlation with grazing intensity, potential evapotranspiration, and mean temperature of the coldest month(P < 0.05), and a positive correlation with mean annual precipitation(P < 0.05). The γ diversity of plant communities had a significantly negative correlation with grazing intensity(P < 0.001), and a positive correlation with soil organic carbon and soil total nitrogen(P < 0.01).(3) Grazing disturbance was the main influencing factor affecting the α and β diversity of plant communities;the synergism between grazing disturbance and soil factors was the main influencing factor affecting the γ diversity of plant communities.[Conclusion] Grazing disturbance has a critical effect on species diversity of plant communities in the Horqin Sandy Land. Therefore, in order to enhance biodiversity conservation and restore the degraded ecosystem in the Horqin Sandy Land, local government should formulate polices to forbid overgrazing and enhance supervision to reduce the occurrence of grazing without permission.



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