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Remote sensing of the terrestrial carbon cycle: A review of advances over 50 years  ( SCI-EXPANDED收录 EI收录)   被引量:281


英文题名:Remote sensing of the terrestrial carbon cycle: A review of advances over 50 years

作者:Xiao, Jingfeng[1] Chevallier, Frederic[2] Gomez, Cecile[3] Guanter, Luis[4] Hicke, Jeffrey A.[5] Huete, Alfredo R.[6] Ichii, Kazuhito[7] Ni, Wenjian[8] Pang, Yong[9] Rahman, Abdullah F.[10] Sun, Guoqing[11] Yuan, Wenping[12] Zhang, Li[13] Zhang, Xiaoyang[14]

第一作者:Xiao, Jingfeng

通信作者:Xiao, JF[1]

机构:[1]Univ New Hampshire, Inst Study Earth Oceans & Space, Earth Syst Res Ctr, Durham, NH 03824 USA;[2]Univ Paris Saclay, Lab Sci Climat & Environm, UVSQ, IPSL,CEA,CNRS, St Aubin, France;[3]Univ Montpellier, LISAH, IRD, INRA,SupAgro, F-34060 Montpellier, France;[4]Univ Politecn Valencia, Ctr Tecnol Fis, Cami Vera S-N, E-46022 Valencia, Spain;[5]Univ Idaho, Dept Geog, Moscow, ID 83844 USA;[6]Univ Technol Sydney, Sch Life Sci, Sydney, NSW 2007, Australia;[7]Chiba Univ, Ctr Environm Remote Sensing, Chiba 2638522, Japan;[8]Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Remote Sensing & Digital Earth, State Key Lab Remote Sensing Sci, Beijing 100094, Peoples R China;[9]Chinese Acad Forestry, Inst Forest Resource Informat Tech, Beijing 100091, Peoples R China;[10]Univ Texas Rio Grande Valley, Coastal Studies Lab, South Padre Isl, TX 78597 USA;[11]Univ Maryland, Dept Geog Sci, College Pk, MD 20740 USA;[12]Sun Yat Sen Univ, Sch Atmospher Sci, Guangzhou 519082, Guangdong, Peoples R China;[13]Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Remote Sensing & Digital Earth RADI, Key Lab Digital Earth Sci, Beijing 100094, Peoples R China;[14]South Dakota State Univ, Geospatial Sci Ctr Excellence, Brookings, SD 57007 USA





基金:This study was financially supported by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) (the Carbon Cycle Science Program: NNX14AJ18G; the Climate Indicators and Data Products for Future National Climate Assessments: NNX16AG61G; the Science of Terra and Aqua: NNX14A170G) and National Science Foundation (NSF) (MacroSystems Biology: EF-1638688). The lead author (J. Xiao) would like to thank Dr. David Schimel for helpful discussion. We thank Dr. Xufeng Wang for processing the GIMMS3g NDVI and MODIS EVI data and Dr. Yibo Liu for providing BEPS GPP data. We thank Dr. Steve Running and the two anonymous reviewers for their constructive and insightful comments on the manuscript.


外文关键词:Carbon fluxes; Carbon stocks; Optical remote sensing; Microwave remote sensing; Lidar; Solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence; Carbon cycling; Aboveground biomass; Disturbance; Carbon-climate feedbacks

摘要:Quantifying ecosystem carbon fluxes and stocks is essential for better understanding the global carbon cycle and improving projections of the carbon-climate feedbacks. Remote sensing has played a vital role in this endeavor during the last five decades by quantifying carbon fluxes and stocks. The availability of satellite observations of the land surface since the 1970s, particularly the early 1980s, has made it feasible to quantify ecosystem carbon fluxes and stocks at regional to global scales. Here we provide a review of the advances in remote sensing of the terrestrial carbon cycle from the early 1970s to present. First, we present an overview of the terrestrial carbon cycle and remote sensing of carbon fluxes and stocks. Remote sensing data acquired in a broad wavelength range (visible, infrared, and microwave) of the electromagnetic spectrum have been used to estimate carbon fluxes and/or stocks. Second, we provide a historical overview of the key milestones in remote sensing of the terrestrial carbon cycle. Third, we review the platforms/sensors, methods, findings, and challenges in remote sensing of carbon fluxes. The remote sensing data and techniques used to quantify carbon fluxes include vegetation indices, light use efficiency models, terrestrial biosphere models, data-driven (or machine learning) approaches, solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF), land surface temperature, and atmospheric inversions. Fourth, we review the platforms/sensors, methods, findings, and challenges in passive optical, microwave, and lidar remote sensing of biomass carbon stocks as well as remote sensing of soil organic carbon. Fifth, we review the progresses in remote sensing of disturbance impacts on the carbon cycle. Sixth, we also discuss the uncertainty and validation of the resulting carbon flux and stock estimates. Finally, we offer a forward-looking perspective and insights for future research and directions in remote sensing of the terrestrial carbon cycle. Remote sensing is anticipated to play an increasingly important role in carbon cycling studies in the future. This comprehensive and insightful review on 50?years of remote sensing of the terrestrial carbon cycle is timely and valuable and can benefit scientists in various research communities (e.g., carbon cycle, remote sensing, climate change, ecology) and inform ecosystem and carbon management, carbon-climate projections, and climate policymaking.



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