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低分子量酚醛树脂处理对杉木细胞壁的改性机理研究  ( SCI-EXPANDED收录 EI收录)   被引量:6

Modified Mechanism of Cell Walls from Chinese Fir Treated with Low-Molecular-Weight Phenol Formaldehyde Resin



英文题名:Modified Mechanism of Cell Walls from Chinese Fir Treated with Low-Molecular-Weight Phenol Formaldehyde Resin

作者:黄艳辉[1] 费本华[2] 赵荣军[3]


通信作者:Huang, YH[1]







外文期刊名:Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis





外文关键词:Wood; Cell wall; Phenol formaldehyde resin; Fourier transform infrared spectrum; Modification


摘要:木材细胞壁的改性机理研究是改良木材处理试剂,优化木材处理工艺,提高木材密度、力学、尺寸稳定性等各项性能的关键。以人工林杉木为研究对象,采用合成的水溶性低分子量酚醛树脂(PF)对杉木试材进行逐步的真空加压浸渍处理,通过高精度、高分辨的X射线衍射仪(XRD)、傅里叶变换红外光谱仪(FTIR)和核磁共振仪(NMR)(采用交叉极化/魔角旋转法进行连续测试)对处理和对照试样的相关物理和化学性能进行了对比分析,研究结果表明:水溶性低分子量PF处理后,试样的结晶度与未处理的对照样相比,数值降低明显,平均降低率分别为12.67%,11.91%和6.26%。结合FTIR和NMR13 C的检测谱图发现,水溶性低分子量PF改性后的杉木与对照杉木相比,没有增加新的酯类、醚类等官能团特征峰和化学位移,认为水溶性低分子量PF不能与杉木发生明显的化学反应,但会进入到结构较松散、空隙尺寸较大、相对面积较多的管胞细胞壁中的非结晶区,形成物理性的充填,最终引起杉木相对结晶度的降低。本研究对于研发新型木材改性试剂、优化木材改性处理工艺具有重要的参考价值,研究结果还将为进一步探明木材细胞壁的改性机制、丰富木材细胞壁的改性理论提供重要的依据。
Study on the modified mechanism of wood cell walls, it is very important for improving treatment reagents, optimizing treatment technology, and enhancing wood density, mechanical properties, dimensional stability, and so on. Samples of plantation Chinese fir were treated gradually with synthesized water-soluble low-molecular-weight pheno! formaldehyde (PF) resins under vacuum and pressure. The correlated physical and chemical properties of the treated and untreated reference samples were determined by X-ray diffractometer (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectrometer (FTIR), and nuclear magnetic resonance speetrometer(NMR)(Using method of Cross Polarization/Magic Angle Spinning for continuous testing) with high precision and resolution. The results showed that, after treated with water-soluble low-molecular-weight PF resin, the average values of crystallinity from the treated samples were decreased obviously, and the average reduction rate was 12. 67%, 11.91 and 6. 26%, respectively. Comparing water-soluble, low-molecular-weight PF resin modified Chinese fir with untreated reference samples, no new chemical shifts and characteristic peaks of functional groups from esters, ethers, etc. were present by using FTIR and a3C NMR spectrum. It was considered that there was no distinct chemical reaction between the water-soluble low-molecular-weight PF resin and Chinese Fir cell walls. But water-soluble low-molecular-weight PF resin could enter into the structure relatively loose, large size spaces, relatively area large amorphous regions in cell walls of Chinese fir tracheids, and form physical filling, which resulting in the decreasing of relative crystallinity. This study has important reference value for the development of new wood modification reagents and the optimization of wood modification process. The findings also provide important theoretical foundation for further proving the modification mechanisms of wood cell walls and enriching the modified theories of wood cell walls.



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