高黎贡山国家级自然保护区入侵性种子植物现状 被引量:2
Assessment of Invasive Seed Plants in Gaoligongshan National Nature Reserve,Yunnan Province,China
英文题名:Assessment of Invasive Seed Plants in Gaoligongshan National Nature Reserve,Yunnan Province,China
作者:林若竹[1] 徐聪丽[2] 叶建芳[3] 杨昌级[2] 淮稳霞[1] 李家华[2] 高歌[2] 姚艳霞[1] 赵文霞[1]
外文期刊名:Terrestrial Ecosystem and Conservation
外文关键词:Gaoligong Mountains;nature reserve;invasive plants;invasion level;control and management
【Objectives】We surveyed the forest ecosystem in Gaoligongshan National Nature Reserve,Yunnan Province,China,to identify invasive seed plants,their distributions,and the degree of invasion within the reserve.This is essential in managing invasions and conserving biodiversity in nature reserves.【Methods】In this study,the heavily invaded Baoshan area was selected for sampling.The information on invasive plants within the nature reserve and surrounding areas was obtained through literature,on-site inspection,and plot level sampling.The degree of invasion was established using qualitative methods.【Results】A total of 35 species of invasive terrestrial seed plants belonging to 31 genera and 15 families were identified in Baoshan area,with 12 species as a new report.With a combination of previous studies,there are at least 56 species of forestry invasive plants belonging to 43 genera and 21 families within Gaoligongshan National Nature Reserve and surrounding areas.Invasive plants were reported from all townships and management stations.The eastern slopes of the Southern Gaoligong Mountains,with the most species and the highest frequency of occurrence,are considered as hot spots for invasive plants.At least five invasive plant species showed a broad distribution range covering the entire boundaries of the nature reserve and surrounding areas.Four species were found in the reserve.Based on the distribution and the degree of invasion,invasive plants in Gaoligongshan National Nature Reserve were classified into four levels:L1 represents the most serious invasive plant Ageratina Adenophora that is widely distributed,highly abundant,forming monoculture,and causing significant damage to forest ecosystem.L2 represents the serious invasive plants(20 species),which are widely distributed,locally highly abundant,and cause some harm to forest ecosystem.L3 represents the invasive plants(24 species)with limited distribution,occasionally forming a large population at the local level,and causing moderate to minor damage.L4 represents the introduced plants(11 species)that have escaped in the wild,demonstrate invasive characteristics,and have limited distribution.The trend in the spread of them is unclear.【Conclusions】The number and distribution range of invasive plants in Gaoligongshan National Nature Reserve have increased from previous studies,indicating widespread expansion of invasive plants with new invasions.It is worth noting that some of the escaped cultivated plants have become invasive.For each level of invasive plants identified,it is essential to formulate corresponding prevention and control measures,including regular monitoring,census,and timely updates on the list of invasive plants,to scientifically manage the invasions in the nature reserve.