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中国毛竹林碳氮磷生态化学计量特征     被引量:30

Stoichiometric characteristics of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus in Phyllostachys edulis forests of China



英文题名:Stoichiometric characteristics of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus in Phyllostachys edulis forests of China

作者:杜满义[1,2,3] 范少辉[1,2] 刘广路[1,2] 封焕英[1,2,3] 郭宝华[1,2] 唐晓鹿[1,2]








外文期刊名:Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology





外文关键词:leaf; soil; litterfall; latitude; longitude; ecological stoichiometry


摘要:碳(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)生态化学计量比是生态系统过程与功能的重要特征,开展种群生态化学计量学研究可以细化植物种群化学计量学内容,确定限制植物生长的元素类型,同时为大尺度模型的发展提供数据基础。为阐明我国毛竹(Phyllostachys edulis)林C、N、P化学计量学特征,通过对毛竹主要产区文献数据的搜集整理与分析,探索我国毛竹林"植物-土壤-凋落物"系统C、N、P及C:N、C:P、N:P生态化学计量特征,以及不同组分生态化学计量特征与经纬度之间的关系。结果表明:1)我国毛竹林叶片C含量为478.30 mg·g^(–1),N含量为22.20 mg·g^(–1),P含量为1.90 mg·g^(–1),C:N为26.80,C:P为299.60,N:P为14.40;毛竹林0–20 cm土层C含量为21.53 mg·g^(–1),N含量为1.66 mg·g^(–1),P含量0.41 mg·g^(–1),C:N为14.20,C:P为66.74,N:P为4.28;毛竹凋落物C含量为438.49 mg·g^(–1),N含量为13.39 mg·g^(–1),P含量为0.86 mg·g^(–1),C:N为22.53,C:P为665.67,N:P为22.55。2)毛竹林"植物-土壤-凋落物"系统中,C:N表现为:叶片>凋落物>土壤,C:P和N:P均表现为:凋落物>叶片>土壤,叶片N、P再吸收率分别为39.68%和54.74%,我国毛竹林生长发育总体上可能受到P限制或者N和P两种元素的双重限制。3)纬度梯度:叶片N含量、N:P随纬度增加而增加,C:N随纬度增加而降低。经度梯度:叶片N:P随经度增加而增加,P含量、C:N随经度增加而降低;土壤C:N随经度增加而增加,N含量随经度增加而降低;凋落物N含量随经度增加而降低。4)叶片N含量与年平均气温和年降水量均存在明显负相关关系,但对温度的响应比降水更敏感,叶片N含量与纬度呈正相关关系,支持"温度-植物生理假说",反映了植物对自然环境的适应。
Aims Stoichiometric ratios of carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) are important characteristics of the ecological processes and functions. Studies on population ecological stoichiometry can refine the content of flora chemometrics, determine the limited nutrient, and provide data for process-based modeling over large scale. Phyllostachys edulis is an important forest type, whose area accounts for 74% of total bamboo forest area in Southem China. However, little is known about the ecological stoichiometric in P. edulis. This study aimed to reveal C:N, C:P and N:P stoichiometry characteristics of the "plant-soil-litter" continuum and to provide a better understanding nutrient cycling and stability mechanisms in P. edulis forest in China. Methods The data were collected from the published literature containing C, N, P content in leaf or surface soil (0-20 cm) or littefall in P. edulis forests. Important findings 1) The leaf C, N, P content were estimated at 478.30 mg·g-1, 22.20 mg·g-1, 1.90 mg·g-1 in P. edulis, and the corresponding C: N, C: P and N: P were 26.80, 299.60 and 14.40, respectively. Soil C, N, and P content in 0-20 cm were 21.53 mg·g-1, 1.66 mg·g-1, 0.41 mg·g 1, with ratios of 14.20 for C:N, 66.74 for C:P and 4.28 for N:E The C, N and P contents were 438.49 mg·g-1, 13.39 mg·g-1, 0.86 mg·g-1 for litterfall, with the litter C:N, C:P and N:P being 25.53,665.67, 22.55, respectively. 2) In the plant-soil-litter system in P. edulis forest, leaf had higher C:N, litter had higher C:P and N:P, while soil were the lowest. The N, P resorption rate was 39.68% and 54.74%, indicating that P. edulis forest growth and development was constrained by P or by both of N and P in China. 3) N content and N:P in leaf showed a tendency to increase with latitude, while the C:N of leaf declined with latitude. N:P of leaf increased with longitude, but the P content and the C:N of leaf showed a opposite trend. C: N of soil increased with longitude, whereas the N content of soil declined longitude. The N content of litter declined with longitude. 4) The leaf N content was negatively correlated with mean annual temperature and mean annual precipitation, but being more sensitive to temperature than precipitation. The positive correlations between N content and latitude support "Temperature-Plant Physiological" hypothesis, reflecting an adaptive strategy to environmental conditions.



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