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再生水补水的北京典型河流滨岸带植被分布特征及多样性研究     被引量:1

Riparian Vegetation Distribution and Diversity Characteristics of Typical Rivers Supplemented with Reclaimed Water in Beijing



英文题名:Riparian Vegetation Distribution and Diversity Characteristics of Typical Rivers Supplemented with Reclaimed Water in Beijing

作者:张義[1] 于一雷[2,3] 李胜男[3] 徐卫刚[3] 韦玮[3] 郝金虎[3]








外文期刊名:Journal of Hydroecology





外文关键词:reclaimed water;diversity index;vegetation community;plant life type;Chaobai River;Yongding River


In this study,Yongding River and Chaobai River,two typical rivers supplemented with reclaimed water,were selected for a case study.In July 2019,an investigation of the vegetation community in the riparian zones of the two rivers was conducted across 18 sampling transects of 4 areas(3 transects in the natural riparian zone of each river and 6 sampling transects for the riparian zones with reclaimed water for each river).The characteristics of riparian vegetation distribution and diversity were explored based on the results,using statistical methods to characterize the importance value,diversity index and then cluster analysis,focusing on species composition,distribution,diversity indices and life types.Results show that(1)A total of 90 plant species from 73 genera and 34 families were observed during the investigation,dominated by Compositae(23 species),Cyperaceae(9 species)and Gramineae(8 species),together accounting for 45%of the total species.However,species richness was different among the four investigation areas and higher in the natural riparian zone for both rivers:47 species,40 genus and 19 families in the natural riparian zone of Yongding River,and 37 species,34 genus and 19 families in the riparian zone of Yongding River replenished by reclaimed water;49 species,43 genus and 24 families in natural riparian zone of Chaobai River,and 44 species,36 genus and 20 families in the riparian zone of Chaobai River replenished by reclaimed water.In addition,Phragmites australis and Typha orientalis were the common plants in the riparian zone replenished by reclaimed water,and Phragmites australis,Humulus scandens and Setaria viridis were the common plants in the natural riparian zone.(2)Cluster analysis shows that the vegetation community in the four investigation areas was divided into nine plant groups:Phragmites australis+Humulus scandens+Typha orientalis;Humulus scandens+Phragmites australis;Phragmites australis+Typha orientalis+Bidens Pilosa;Typha orientalis+Phragmites australis;Phragmites australis+Setaria viridis;Cyperus rotundus+Phragmites australis;Phragmites australis+Cyperus fuscus;Phragmites australis+Typha orientalis+Cyperus rotundus;Phragmites australis+Typha orientalis.(3)The species richness,Shannon-Wiener diversity,Pielou evenness and Simpson dominance degree of the vegetation community of the riparian zone replenished by reclaimed water was lower than those in the natural riparian zone.While the average plant height and coverage of the riparian zone replenished by reclaimed water was higher than those in natural riparian zone.(4)The plant community consisted of nine life types and the life types were dominated by annual and perennial herbs,but life types in the natural riparian area were richer.This study provides information important for the restoration,reconstruction,and protection of plant diversity in the riparian zone of rivers replenished by reclaimed water.



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