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Evaluation of Ecosystem Services Valuation of Alpine Wetlands in Zoigê Plateau



英文题名:Evaluation of Ecosystem Services Valuation of Alpine Wetlands in Zoigê Plateau

作者:庞丙亮[1] 崔丽娟[1] 马牧源[1] 李伟[1]








外文期刊名:Wetland Science





外文关键词:ecosystem; final services; valuation; wetlands in Zoige Plateau


Wetland ecosystem services are the benefits people obtain from the wetlands. Now, classification and evaluation of wetland ecosystem services are the important parts of wetland ecosystem services research, but most previous researches were based on the classification of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA), which can lead to double counting. In this article, wetland ecosystem services were divided into intermediate services and final services, and the value of final services was the total value of ecosystem services. The intermediate services were similar to the supporting services of MA, through combined ways to provide final services. Final services were similar to the cultural services and provisioning services of MA, with direct effects on human welfare. Benefits of external things were referred as impact on human well-being, such as more food and less flood. The only criterion to determine final services was that the services have direct contribution to human well-being. Taking the alpine wetlands in Zoig6 Plateau as an example, the final services included flood protection service, recreation service, carbon sequestration service, water supply service, substance production service, soil conservation service, and gas regulation service. Intermediate services included net primary productivity service, nutrient cycling service, water regulation service, habitat service, water storage service and waste treatment service. Then the evaluation system was established, and the total value of ecosystem services of the alpine wetlands in Zoige Plateau was accounted by market method, replacement cost method, travel cost method, and other environmental economic evaluation methods. The results indicated that the total value of ecosystem services of the alpine wetlands in Zoig6 Plateau was 17.69 billion Yuan RMB in 2011, almost 10.4× 10^4 Yuan RMB per hectare. The value of gas regulation service was about 7.844 billion Yuan, which was the greatest among the indexes, and accounts for 44.3% of the total value. Flood protection service was 5.602 billion Yuan, accounting for 31.67% of the total value, followes with recreation service (2.44 billion Yuan, 13.79%), carbon sequestration service (0.821 billion Yuan, 4.64%), water supply service (0.678 billion Yuan, 3.83%), substance production service (0.269 billion Yuan, 1.52%), soil conservation service (0.026 billion Yuan, 0.15%), and scientific research service (0.01 billion Yuan, 0.06%). As an important flood storage area in upstream of the Yellow River, the alpine wetlands in Zoige Plateau could also serve for production life of people due to gas regulation and carbon sequestration. In order to assess ecosystem services of the alpine wetlands in Zoig~ Plateau more accurate, it was recommend focusing on classification of ecosystem services, the nature of ecosystem services, evaluation methods, and others.



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