祁连山国家公园牧民对雪豹(Panthera Unica)保护的态度认知及其影响因素 被引量:2
Attitudes, perceptions and influencing factors of herders for the protection of snow leopard (Panthera unica) in Qilian Mountain National Park
中文题名:祁连山国家公园牧民对雪豹(Panthera Unica)保护的态度认知及其影响因素
英文题名:Attitudes, perceptions and influencing factors of herders for the protection of snow leopard (Panthera unica) in Qilian Mountain National Park
作者:靳利晓[1] 代云川[2] 李叶[1] 薛亚东[1] 李广良[1] 马存新[3] 张于光[1]
外文期刊名:Acta Ecologica Sinica
外文关键词:snow leopard;human-wildlife conflicts;attitude perceptions;Qilian Mountain National Park
摘要:祁连山地区是中国乃至全球雪豹(Panthera Unica)分布最集中、种群密度最高的地区之一,该地区的雪豹科学保护对于全球雪豹种群具有重要意义。了解祁连山国家公园牧民对雪豹保护的态度认知、探究影响牧民对雪豹保护态度的主要因素,对于保护国家公园生态系统的原真性、促进人与野生动物和谐共处具有重要意义。基于半结构式访谈对祁连山国家公园牧民进行了随机抽样调查,结果表明:(1)受访者认为狼(n=34,91.89%)和雪豹(n=16,43.24%)是最重要的两种致害野生动物;(2)所有受访者对雪豹保护均持积极态度;(3)受访者认为野生动物捕杀(n=14,50.00%)和草场退化(n=9,32.14%)是家畜面临的两大威胁因素;(4)“雪豹捕杀家畜”和“为家畜购买商业保险”是影响牧民对雪豹保护态度的关键因素(P<0.05)。为促进人与野生动物长期共存,需要各级政府以国家公园体制建设为契机,进一步加强科学研究,制定更加科学合理的野生动物保护与管理措施。
Snow leopard(Panthera uncia)is the national first-class key protected wildlife in China,and is listed as vulnerable species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature.The Qilian Mountain is one of areas with the highest population density of snow leopard in China and even the world.Therefore,the scientific protection of the snow leopard in this area is of great significance to the conservation of global snow leopard population.Protective actions for snow leopard and other sympatric species have been more effectively implemented since systematic pilot work was carried out in Qilian Mountain National Park.However,most of the residents in the pilot area of the Qilian Mountain National Park still mainly rely on the traditional husbandry.The continuous increasing of livestock number and grazing activities threaten the survival and reproduction of snow leopards to a certain extent.Snow leopard preys on livestock and results in economic losses of herders,which in turn affects their enthusiasm for snow leopard protection.In the current literatures,local residents have expressed a positive attitude towards protecting the snow leopard,but their enthusiasm for the protection of wildlife could change with alterations of living habits,social culture,the ecological environment and other factors.In order to understand the attitudes of local herders in the Qilian Mountain National Park to snow leopard protection,and to explore the main factors influencing these attitudes,a semi-structured interview surveys and random sampling method were used to the herders of Qilian Mountain National Park.The results showed that:(1)the respondents believed that wolves(n=34,91.89%)and snow leopards(n=16,43.24%)were the two most important wild animals threatening livestock;(2)All respondents had a positive attitude towards snow leopard protection;(3)Depredation by wild animals(n=14,50.00%)and grassland degradation(n=9,32.14%)were the two major concerns expressed by herders surrounding their livestock;(4)“Snow leopard preys on livestock”and“owning livestock commercial insurance”were the key factors affecting the herders′attitudes towards protecting snow leopard(P<0.05).In addition,the enthusiasm of the respondents for snow leopard protection had no significant correlation with age,occupation or education levels.In order to fundamentally reduce the adverse effects of wild animals and promote the long-term coexistence of humans and wildlife,it is suggested that governments at all levels took the construction of the national park system in China as an opportunity to strengthen scientific research and formulate more reasonable measures for the protection and management of wildlife.