基于InVEST模型估算富阳市森林生态系统碳储量 被引量:6
Estimating the carbon storage of Fuyang forest ecosystems based on In VEST model
英文题名:Estimating the carbon storage of Fuyang forest ecosystems based on In VEST model
作者:修珍珍[1] 王斌[1] 杨校生[1] 余超[1] 张龙[1] 格日乐图[1]
外文关键词:carbon storage; carbon density; forest ecosystems; Fuyang City
摘要:基于森林资源遥感影像数据资料和Arc GIS10.0软件,以属于典型亚热带气候的富阳市为案例,运用In VEST-Carbon模型对其森林生态系统碳储量进行估算,可视化定量富阳市森林生态系统碳储量并明确其空间分布规律。结果表明:富阳市森林生态系统碳储量分布具有明显的区域差异性,由东向西呈现高-低-高-低的分布带规律。富阳市森林生态系统总的碳储量为26.743 7×10~6t,其价值量为39.904 2亿元;得出富阳市各类森林类型平均碳密度的高低分布为常绿阔叶林碳密度>针阔混交林碳密度>竹林碳密度>马尾松林碳密度>杉木林碳密度,这与浙江省生态公益林各主要林型的碳密度分布规律基本一致,得到其森林生态系统总的碳密度约为180.75 t·hm^(-2),高于浙江省生态公益林平均碳密度和全国森林平均碳密度。与基于森林二类清查资料,由生物量与蓄积量的关系式估算出的碳储量(28.378 0×10~6t)相差不大,In VEST模型可适用于森林生态系统碳储量的总体估算。通过研究可以得出,In VEST模型评估结果简明直观,导入较少的数据,将量化的森林碳储量以地图的形式表现出来。In VEST模型还可用于对未来或多种模拟场景情况下的预测估算等,可为政府、非盈利组织和公司企业等自然资源的管理提供决策信息,其多功能和模块化的设计为权衡评估得失提供了有效的工具。
The forest ecosystem carbon storage was visually quantified,and its spatial distribution was identified,based on remote sensing images data on forest resources and Arc GIS 10.0 software,Fuyang City as a case that belongs to the typical subtropical climate,making use of In VEST-Carbon models to estimate carbon stocks of the Fuyang forest ecosystems. The results showed that there were obvious regional differences about the distribution of carbon storage in Fuyang forest ecosystems from east to west which showed high- low-high-low distribution. The total carbon storage of Fuyang forest ecosystems was 26.743 7 million t. And it valued 3 990.421 million yuan. The average carbon density distribution of various kinds of forest type was: evergreen broad-leaved forests coniferous and broad-leaved mixedforests bamboo forest masson pine forests fir forests. It was roughly identical to the carbon density distribution in the major types of the Ecological Public Welfare Forest in Zhejiang Province. And we found that its total forest carbon density was about 180.75 t·hm-2. It exceeded the Ecological Public Welfare Forest in Zhejiang Province and all over the country in carbon density. The calculated carbon density was not so far from that computed by the relation between the biomass and volume based on forest inventory data that was 28.3780 million t. The In VEST-Carbon model could be applied to the estimation of the overall forest ecosystem carbon storage. By the research it implied that the evaluation results of the In VEST model were clear and intuitive. The quantitative forest carbon was shown in form of a map by importing less data. The In VEST model could be used to the prediction of the future or multiple simulations,etc. It provides the decision- making information of the natural resources management for the government, non-profit organizations and companies. It can be an effective tool for gain and loss of balance assessment with the multifunction and modularized designation.