Long-Term Phosphorus Addition Alleviates Co2 and N2o Emissions Via Altering Soil Microbial Functions in Secondary Rather Primary Tropical Forests ( EI收录)
英文题名:Long-Term Phosphorus Addition Alleviates Co2 and N2o Emissions Via Altering Soil Microbial Functions in Secondary Rather Primary Tropical Forests
作者:Chen, Jie[1] Ma, Xiaomin[2] Lu, Xiankai[3] Xu, Han[1] Chen, Dexiang[6] Li, Yanpeng[1] Zhou, Zhang[1] Li, Yide[1] Ma, Suhui[4] Kuzyakov, Yakov[5,6]
机构:[1] Research Institute of Tropical Forestry, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Longdong, Guangzhou, 510520, China; [2] The State Key Laboratory of Subtropical Silviculture, Zhejiang A & F University, Lin'an, Hangzhou, 311300, China; [3] Key Laboratory of Vegetation Restoration and Management of Degraded Ecosystems, South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou, 510650, China; [4] Institute of Ecology, College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University, Beijing, 100871, China; [5] Department of Soil Science of Temperate Ecosystems, Department of Agricultural Soil Science, University of Goettingen, G?ttingen, 37077, Germany; [6] Peoples Friendship University of Russia [RUDN University], Moscow, 117198, Russia
外文关键词:Biogeochemistry - Carbon dioxide - Excavation - Forestry - Gas emissions - Genes - Greenhouse gases - Mineralogy - Phosphatases - Phosphorus - Tropics
摘要:Tropical forests, where the soils are nitrogen (N) rich but phosphorus (P) poor, have a disproportionate influence on global carbon (C) and N cycling. However, whether P addition can accelerate soil microbial C and N sequestrations and reduce greenhouse gas emissions (CO 2 and N 2 O) under increasing N deposition remains unclear. We investigated soil microbial taxonomy and functional traits involved in C and N cycling in response to 10-year independent and interactive effects of N and P additions in a primary and a secondary tropical forest in Hainan Island. In the primary forest, N addition boosted oligotrophic bacteria and phosphatase and enriched genes responsible for C-, P-mineralization, nitrification and denitrification, suggesting aggravated P limitation while N excess. This might stimulate P excavation via organic matter mineralization, and enhance gaseous N release, leading to 86-110% increases in soil CO 2 and N 2 O emissions. Phosphorus and NP additions reduced phosphatase activity and microbial network keystone species capable of P excavation in both forests, suggesting mitigation of P limitation. This further stimulated fungal growth in the secondary rather than primary forest mainly associated with lower C availability in primary forest. Soil CO 2 and N 2 O emissions declined by 25-82% following P and NP additions in the secondary forest, which could be ascribed to the alleviated P-mining from organic matter and increased microbial C and N immobilization with fungal growth. Overall, N addition accelerates all microbial processes for C and N release in tropical forests. Long-term P addition alleviates C and N release and reduces soil CO 2 and N 2 O emissions via reducing P mining from organic matter and promoting microbial C and N immobilizations in the secondary rather primary forest, mainly because of strong C limitation to microbial growth in primary forest. ? 2022, The Authors. All rights reserved.