Genetic analysis of the economic traits of Camellia oleifera F1 descendant inhalf-diallel cross design
英文题名:Genetic analysis of the economic traits of Camellia oleifera F1 descendant inhalf-diallel cross design
作者:林萍[1,2] 王开良[1,2] 姚小华[1,2] 滕建华[3] 曹永庆[1,2]
外文期刊名:Journal of Central South University of Forestry & Technology
外文关键词:Camellia oleifera Abel;half-diallel cross design;general combining ability(GCA);specific combining ability(SCA)
摘要:为了建立油茶杂交育种最佳亲本选配模式,提高育种效率,以浙江省金华市东方红林场6个普通油茶杂交组合子代林为试材,分析了亲本在杂交子代单株产果量、果实大小、出籽率、干籽出仁率、种仁含油率、脂肪酸成分含量等17个经济性状的一般配合力(GCA)和特殊配合力(SCA),估算了各性状的遗传参数。结果表明,除了鲜果干籽率外,其余16个经济性状在6个杂交组合间均存在显著差异;亲本在各性状的一般配合力差异达极显著水平,亲本间特殊配合力在单株产果量、单果质量、种仁含油率、油酸含量等重要育种形状上亦差异显著或极显著;除了含油率外,其余主要经济性状的亲本GCA方差都显著大于亲本在SCA方差,均受基因的加性效应控制为主、非加性效应次之;遗传力较低,广义遗传力在10.10%~46.80%间,狭义遗传力在0%~41.30%之间,受到较强的环境效应影响。综合分析主要育种性状的亲本GCA、SCA效应,确定优良亲本为53号和81号,优良组合为53×81和178×81,其杂交子代单株产果量分别比平均产果量高78%和35%,单果质量比平均值分别高14%和11%,风干籽出仁率比总平均值分别高8%和5%,种仁含油率提高了5%和9%。参试亲本间遗传距离在0.254 5~1.791 8间,只与油脂中油酸、亚油酸含量在0.1水平上具有相关性,与其他经济性状间无显著相关性。因此,油茶杂交育种中,除了油酸含量外,针对幼林大部分经济性状,未评估过GCA的亲本材料,先评估其GCA比评估亲本间的SCA更重要。
In order to improve the breeding efficiency of Camellia oleifera, selecting optimum parents for the cross breeding is needed. The genetic parameters of Camellia oleifera parents were estimated by analyzing 17 economic traits of F1 descendant, such as the yield, fruit size, seeds content of fruit, kernel content of dry seed, oil content of kernel, fatty acid kinds and content in seed oil, and so on. The results showed that the genetic difference was extremely significant in all economic traits among families but dry seeds content of fresh fruit, the GCA effects of parents were significant different in 16 economic traits and SCA effects had significant difference in main breeding traits such as yield, fruit weight, oil content of kernel, oleic acid content of oil, and so on. Additive effects of genes played the major role and non-additive effects were next for the 16 traits except oil content of kernel. The heritability was low in all traits, the broadsense heritability was between 10.10%—46.80% and the narrow-sense heritability was 0%—41.31%.According to the statistical analysis results of GCA and SCA, the Changlin53# and 81# will be better parents in cross breeding, and Changlin53#×81# and 178#×81# are superior cross combinations, which were 78% and 35% higher than the average value on yield, 14% and 11% higher than the average value on fruit weight, 8% and 5% higher than the average value on kernel content of dry seed, 5% and 9% higher than the average value on oil content of kernel, respectively. The genetic distances of parents were 0.254 5—1.791 8, which were significant correlation with oleic acid and linoleic acid content of oil at 0.1 level. In a word, the estimate of the GCA of parents is more important than that of SCA between parents for the main economic traits except oleic acid content of oil in Camellia oleifera cross breeding.