Various beneficiaries-based analysis on service weight of ecosystem of Momoge Wetland
英文题名:Various beneficiaries-based analysis on service weight of ecosystem of Momoge Wetland
作者:李伟[1,2] 孙宝娣[1,2] 王汝苗[1,2] 崔丽娟[1,2] 马琼芳[3] 张曼胤[1,2] 雷茵茹[1,2] 朱怡诺[1,2]
外文期刊名:Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering
外文关键词:beneficiary ; Momoge Wetland ; ecosystem services; weight analysis; analytic hierarchy process
摘要:为了明确不同区域和不同社会身份受益者对湿地生态系统服务的关注程度,为今后湿地生态系统服务的管理和政策制定提供依据,以吉林省莫莫格国家级自然保护区为研究对象,运用层次分析法从当地受益者、省域受益者、全国受益者和全球受益者四个层次以及年龄、收入、职业和教育背景等社会属性对莫莫格湿地的物质生产、调蓄洪水、固碳、气候调节、大气调节、水质净化、科研教育和休闲旅游等8项服务进行比较并打分,得出权重结果。结果表明:当地受益者和省域受益者最关注湿地的调蓄洪水服务,其权重值分别为0.276 1和0.266 7;全国受益者最关注湿地的气候调节服务,其权重值为0.223 8;全球受益者最关注湿地的固碳服务,其权重值为0.203 0。年龄越高的受益者更为关注水质净化和调蓄洪水等服务;文化程度越高的受益者对于湿地的科研教育的关注程度相对较高;生态相关职业的受益者更为关注生态相关的调蓄洪水、固碳、气候调节和科研教育服务。
In order to define the concerns on the services of wetland ecosystem from the beneficiaries with various social identities on various areal and then provide a basis for the management of the service of wetland ecosystem and making the relevant policies in the days to come, the Momoge National Nature Reserve in Jilin Province is taken as the study object, the pairwise compari- sons and seorings are made on the eight kinds of services, such as substance production, flood regulation and storage, carbon sequestration, climate control, atmosphere regulation, water purification, scientific research and education and leisure tourism, with the analytic hierarchyprocess (AHP) from aspects of the four levels of the local beneficiaries, theprovineial beneficiaries, the national beneficiaries and the global beneficiaries with theirsoeial identities of age, income, occupation, education background, etc. , thus the resuhs of the relevant weights are obtained. The study result shows that the concerns from both the local and provincial beneficiaries are mostly focused on the service of flood regulation and storage of wetland with the weight values are 0. 276 1 and 0. 266 7 respectively, the concerns from the national beneficiaries are mostly focused on the service of climate con- trol of wetland with the weight value of O. 223 8 and the concerns from the global beneficiaries are mostly focused on the service of carbon sequestration of wetland with the weight value of 0. 203 0. Moreover, the concerns from the beneficiaries of higher ages are mostly focused on the services of water purification, flood regulation and storage, etc. , the concerns from the beneficiaries of higher educational degree are more focused on the scientific research and education degree of wetland and the concerns from the beneficiaries of the ecology-relatedoccupations are more focused on the ecology-related services of flood regulation and storage, carbon sequestration, climate control and scientific research and education.