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米老排扦插生根因子及优化     被引量:13

Rooting factors and optimization for propagation of Mytilaria laosensis cuttings



英文题名:Rooting factors and optimization for propagation of Mytilaria laosensis cuttings

作者:白磊[1] 李荣生[1] 尹光天[1] 杨锦昌[1] 邹文涛[1]








外文期刊名:Journal of Zhejiang A & F University





外文关键词:silviculture; Mytilaria laosensis; cutting; propagation; rooting


摘要:研究了插穗来源、留叶方式、植物生长调节物质种类与质量浓度、基质和叶面施肥等5个因素对米老排Mytilaria laosensis插穗生根的影响。结果表明:1年生幼苗茎干与大树萌条均适宜作为米老排插穗的材料,幼苗插穗生根率为81.7%,萌条插穗生根率为81.3%。枝条不适宜作为扦插材料,5年生幼树1年生枝条生根率为5.0%。留叶方式以留1片叶生根效果最好,其生根率为78.0%。留1/2叶处理为66.0%,而不留叶对照生根率为0。2 000mg·L^(-1)的ABT1号10 s速蘸处理为最佳处理方式。蛭石、红土中插穗生根率最高,达84.0%;泥炭中最长不定根长度最大,为(9.9±1.0)cm;砂中不定根数量最多,为(22.3±2.7)条。叶面施肥处理生根率为78.0%,对照为52.0%。综上所述,选用1年生幼苗茎干和大树萌条为插穗,插穗保留1片叶,用2 000 mg·L^(-1)的ABT1号速蘸10s,以蛭石或红土为基质,每日喷施质量分数为1%的普罗丹复合肥,可获得80.0%以上的生根率。
Mytilaria laosensis is a multi-purpose tree planted in southern China, its breeding of clones by cutting propagation is deterred as levels of rooting factors are yet to be determined. This research is to determine levels of rooting factors through studying the effects of cutting type, leaf retention, medium type, plant growth regulator, and foliar fertilization on rooting performance of cutting of M. laosensis. Rooting rates, callus rate, and leaf-retention rates were tested by binomial test. Other indexes were tested by ANOVA. Results showed that stem cuttings of one-year-old seedling had a rooting rate of 81.7 percents in winter, which was significant higher at the significant level of 0.05 than those of sprouts on 5-year-old saplings (13.3 percents) and hard sapling branches (5.0 percents). Cuttings with leaf retaining had a significant higher rooting rate than those without a leaf retaining, however, there is no significant difference between cuttings with a leaf and those with half a leaf. For plant growth regulators, the highest rooting rate was observed in cuttings treated with ABT1# at a rate of 2 000.0 mg·L^-1for quick-dip for 10 s, it is significant higher than other treatments. For medium type, there is not significant different for rooting rate among red clay, mixture of red clay and peat (2:1 in volume), mixture of peat and vermiculite (1:1), and vermiculite, but they have a significant higher rooting rate than other medium. For a peat medium, cuttings had a significant longer root than other media; For a sand medium, cuttings had significant more primary roots (22.3 ± 2.7) than other media. The rooting rate of foliage-dressed cuttings is 78.0%, which is significant higher than that of the control without foliage dressing (52.0%). Thus, aclone for an elite individual of M. laosensis is probably bred by excising cuttings from basal sprouts, pruning them with a or half a leaf, treating them by 2 000.0 mg·L^-1 ABTI# for 10 s quick-dip, raising them in a medium of vermiculite or laterite, and fertilizing them once a day for 30 days after planted. [Ch, 8 tab. 16 ref.]



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